Pläne gegen das Verkehrschaos
Bali ist eine zu Indonesien gehörende Insel im Indischen Ozean mit einem tropisch warmen Durchschnittsklima. Hauptstadt der Insel ist Denpasar. Mit einer Fläche von 5590 km² ist Bali die mit Abstand größte Insel der gleichnamigen Provinz. Bei der Volkszählung 2020 hatte Bali rund 4,3 Millionen Einwohner. [Wiki]
The Bali Sun berichtet hier: “Das LTR-System auf Bali soll dazu beitragen, die zunehmende Verkehrsüberlastung auf der Insel zu verringern. Bali empfängt derzeit jeden Tag durchschnittlich 18.000 Touristen per Flugzeug. Das Eisenbahnsystem soll den internationalen Flughafen I Gusti Ngurah Rai direkt mit den beliebtesten Urlaubsorten im Süden der Insel verbinden. Auf Bali kann die Fahrt zum Flughafen in der Hauptverkehrszeit 2-3 Stunden dauern.”
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Milliardenschweres Projekt: Spatenstich für erste U-Bahn auf Bali
Nur noch wenige Wochen bis zum ersten Spatenstich zum Bau der ersten U-Bahn des Touristen-Hotspots Bali. Mit dem Projekt soll der Verkehr auf der Insel entlastet und die Anzahl der Touristen gesteigert werden…
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Bali Tourists Warned About Major Traffic Disruptions Starting In September
The Bali Urban Railway Network is one of the most anticipated development projects in the province. Talk of the initiative has been happening for well over a decade, and this coming September, the first phase of construction will start on the railway that is set to change Bali forever. The Bali Urban Rail Network will…
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Subway soll Balis Verkehrschaos beenden
Nach jüngsten Investorenzusagen soll Bali in den Jahren 2028 bis 2031 ein Nahverkehrsnetz erhalten. Der Spatenstich für die Bali-Subway erfolgt schon im kommenden September…
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Bali Hopeful New Metro System Will Be Operating By 2028
Bali’s leaders have confirmed that they hope the new Bali Urban Rail Metro Line will be completed by 2028. With much work to do in the next four years, leaders are working behind the scenes to keep pushing for progress on this long-awaited project…
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Bali Tourists Will Have Access To Smart Buses In 2025
Bali is preparing to integrate and launch a new smart bus system that will massively improve public transportation availability on the island. The new system is set to be up and running in 2025 and will connect the electric bus rapid transit system with an intelligent transport system…
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Bali will 2025 intelligente Busse mit eigenen Fahrspuren einführen
Der Bali Transportation Service (Dishub Bali) bereitet sich darauf vor, den elektrischen Bus Rapid Transit (eBRT) mit einem intelligenten Verkehrssystem (ITS) zu verbinden und nächstes Jahr in Betrieb zu nehmen. Der Leiter des Dishub Bali, IGW Samsi Gunarta, sagte am Dienstag, dass der eBRT voraussichtlich im Jahr 2025 in zwei Korridoren in Betrieb genommen wird. Der Busdienst soll den Fahrgästen Sicherheit hinsichtlich der Reise- und Ankunftszeiten bieten…
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Bali Airport Tram Network Could Be Built Alongside Train System
The Badung Regency Government has confirmed plans to develop a public transportation system by designing the construction of a tram line that appears to be set to run alongside the Bali Urban Rail Network, which is set to have construction start in the coming months…
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Indonesia: Small But Significant Progress Made On Bali Rail Network
Investors have started sharing their interest in the Bali Rail Network Project. The initiative has been on the cards for years, and leaders have been increasingly keen to get things moving to help tackle the island’s mounting traffic issues and create a reliable public transportation network. On Wednesday, 29th May, an event was held at…
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Die wichtigsten Änderungen für Bali Touristen in 2024. Eisenbahn
Bali’s Tourist Train Line Aiming To Offer Rides Every 15-Minutes
It has recently been revealed that construction on the Bali Railway Network is set to start in September 2024. The long-awaited transportation upgrades are a hot topic amongst local leaders, Balinese residents, ex-pats, and tourists. “We are currently calculating the number of seats and operational times. So, how many trains will there be [we can’t yet say], but we are targeting at least every 15 minutes.”…
Officials Give Start Date For Bali’s New Tourism Train Network
While officials were hoping that the first construction teams could get to work in the first few months of the year, the start date still isn’t too far away at all. The Indonesian Transport Minister, Budi Karya Sumadi, has confirmed that the groundbreaking for the ambitious Bali Railway Network will start in September 2024…
Bali Rail System to Break Ground Sept 2024
Budi Sumadi told listeners in Jakarta that the LRT Bali will connect Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport and Mengwi – a distance, depending on the final route, of some 30 kilometers. The first stage of rail construction will connect Bali’s Airport to Kuta…
There’s Light At The End Of The Tunnel For Bali’s Tourist Railway Network
Officials in Bali have confirmed that progress is chugging away on the Bali Railway Network. The new railway network will consist of a light rail line, metro line, and tram line that will completely revolutionize the way tourists travel around the island…
Bali Leaders Confident New Tourist Railway Line Will Make Progress In 2024
Leaders in Bali have suggested that the groundbreaking for the new Bali Railway Network could start by the end of this month. The Bail Railway Network will eventually comprise of six railway lines and one tram line connecting tourists and residents to all major tourism and business destinations on the island…