Bali bogans
„Die indonesische Insel steht kurz vor dem Start einer öffentlichen Kampagne, in deren Rahmen Plakate an den Orten aufgestellt werden, an denen die Sitten am meisten missachtet werden – darunter Kuta, Seminyak, Legian, Canggu, Ubud, Sanur, Nusa Dua und Uluwatu. Die Aussies sind bei den Einheimischen zunehmend berüchtigt dafür, dass sie auf der Insel Chaos verursachen und gegen die örtlichen Regeln verstoßen – was ihnen den Spitznamen „Bali bogans“ einbrachte“. Das berichtet The Bali Times hier.
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Bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating. [Wiki]
Assi – Asozialität ist eine Zuschreibung für Verhaltensweisen, die von gesellschaftlichen Normen abweichen und die Gesellschaft (vermeintlich oder tatsächlich) schädigen. Der Begriff ist zumeist abwertend gemeint und wird oft auch so empfunden. [Wiki]
Proll – Prolet ist die umgangssprachliche Verkürzung des Begriffs „Proletarier“ und bezeichnete seit dem 19. Jahrhundert auf abwertende Weise Angehörige vor allem der städtischen Unterschicht, besonders Industriearbeiter, seit Aufkommen des Marxismus. [Wiki]
Australische Regierung gibt wichtige Warnungen für Bali-Touristen heraus
Die australische Regierung hat aktualisierte Hinweise für Touristen, die nach Bali reisen, herausgegeben. Die Aktualisierungen erfolgen, nachdem in den letzten Monaten mehrere australische Touristen auf der paradiesischen Insel schwer verletzt wurden und in einigen tragischen Fällen sogar ihr Leben verloren haben. Australische Touristen sind die häufigsten internationalen Anreisenden auf Bali, aber die Ratschläge der australischen Regierung gelten für alle Touristen, die die Provinz besuchen…
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The ‘Bali Promise’: Should Visitors Pledge to Behave in Bali?
You may have heard of, or possibly even seen, tourists behaving badly here in beautiful Bali. It’s kind of hard to understand why because everything is pretty good here (well, except for maybe the traffic…). There really is no reason to misbehave or be disrespectful. But it does happen and seems even to be on the rise, perhaps driven by alcohol or just a lessening of standards of discipline…
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Bali Tourists To Be Issued With Updated Travel Guidelines By End Of 2024
The Head of Immigration at Ngurah Rai has confirmed that tourists will soon be issued with do’s and don’ts travel advice booklets upon arrival in the province. The initiative was launched back in 2023 but was halted after the Tourism Office chose to promote travel guidelines by alternative means. Suhendra, the Head of Immigration at…
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Indonesischer Tourismusminister befürwortet strenges Vorgehen der Einwanderungsbehörde gegen renitente Touristen auf Bali
Der indonesische Minister für Tourismus und Kreativwirtschaft, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, hat sich für ein entschlossenes Vorgehen der Einwanderungsbehörden gegen widerspenstige Touristen auf Bali ausgesprochen. „Wir müssen hart bleiben. Wir haben für Qualitätstourismus gesorgt, also müssen die Touristen auch die kulturelle Weisheit und die Bewahrung der Traditionen und Künste auf Bali zu schätzen wissen“, sagte er. Er fügte hinzu, dass den Touristen eine klare Botschaft vermittelt werden müsse: „Sie können reisen, aber sie müssen sich an die Gesetze und Vorschriften halten, deren Verletzung rechtliche Schritte nach sich ziehen wird.“…
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Indonesien: Anzahl abgeschobener Ausländer um 135,21 Prozent gestiegen
Der Generaldirektor der Einwanderungsbehörde, Silmy Karim, stellte fest, dass seine Behörde in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2024 1.503 Ausländer aus Indonesien abgeschoben hat. Karim führte weiter aus, dass die indonesische Generaldirektion für Einwanderung insgesamt 2.041 ausländische Staatsangehörige im Land verwaltungsrechtlich verfolgt hat. Diese Zahl ist im Vergleich zur ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 um 75,19 Prozent gestiegen…
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Indonesia Confirms Number Of Foreigners Deported In 2024 So Far
The Directorate General of Immigration for Indonesia has released new figures for the number of immigration violations and deportations the country has carried out so far this year. The figures make for interesting reading. Despite the reported rise in the number of foreigners behaving badly in Bali, the province has not deported the most foreigners…
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Bali Shows United Front Against Badly Behaved Tourists
Leaders in Bali have come together to show a united front against badly behaved foreigners on the island. The Bali Provincial Government coordinated a meeting with the Bali Tourism Office and other key stakeholders to come up with new solutions to ensure that culturally respectful tourism is promoted to all who visit the island…
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Bali Leaders Call For Honorary Body For Cultural Tourism
Tourism experts in Bali are calling for the creation of a Cultural Tourism Honorary Board to help supervise the development of sustainable and culturally respectful tourism across the island. The critique comes as many leaders and residents feel there has been a change in the way tourism development prioritises cultural respect and preservation…
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Bali: Tourist stößt mit Sicherheitskräften am Besakih-Tempel zusammen
Ein Video, das zeigt, wie ein ausländischer Tourist am Pura Agung Besakih in Rendang, Karangasem, wütend auf einen Sicherheitsbeamten (pecalang) losgeht, ging am Dienstag in den sozialen Medien viral. Berichten zufolge war der Tourist verärgert, nachdem er von dem örtlichen Pecalang ermahnt und am Betreten des Besakih-Tempels gehindert worden war. Jero Mangku Widiarta, der Leiter des traditionellen Dorfes Besakih, erklärte, er habe keine detaillierten Informationen über den Vorfall erhalten…
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Bali verschärft Aufsicht über ausländische Touristen
In der Zwischenzeit hat das balinesische Büro des Ministeriums für Recht und Menschenrechte einen weiteren Schritt unternommen und die örtlichen Dorfvorsteher beauftragt, die Aktivitäten ausländischer Touristen zu überwachen und gegen diejenigen vorzugehen, die gegen Gesetze und örtliche Bräuche verstoßen. Anfang dieses Monats wurde ein ausländischer Staatsangehöriger auf Bali in den sozialen Medien bekannt, nachdem er eine Motorradfahrerin angehalten und dann angegriffen hatte, so dass sie auf die Straße stürzte…
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Tourists In Bali Must Obey Traffic Rules Or Risk Deportation
Tourists considering driving a motorcycle or a car in Bali must take the time to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road before starting the engine. Leaders on the island have confirmed that tourists who received a driving ticket, even for a minor infringement, risk deportation…
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Bali Arrests 103 Foreigners In Major Cyber Crime Bust
Police in Bali have arrested 103 foreigners in a raid on a villa in Tabanan Regency in connection with a huge cybercrime operation. The 103 foreigners are all believed to be connected to a cyber crime network and have been residing in Indonesia illegally and conducting activities that violate their visa conditions. Immigration authorities and…
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Viral Video: Tourist Clashes with Security at Besakih Temple
A video capturing a foreign tourist angrily confronting a security guard, known as pecalang, at Pura Agung Besakih…
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Bali Mayor Calls For End Of Social Media Vigilantism Against Tourists
Leaders in Bali are calling on the public to end social media vigilantism in order to help preserve the tourism resort’s public image. Calls come as there has been another sharp rise in the amount of viral videos and formal reports of tourists behaving badly in Bali…
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Officials Tell Tourists ‘Stigma Of A Free Bali Must Be Changed’
Top tourism officials in Bali have issued statements saying that the belief that the island is a tourism destination that permits total freedom must end. While Bali has long been associated as a travel hotspot where foreigners can let loose, those days are numbered, and leaders feel a new era of culturally respectful and sustainable…
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Tourists Urged To Consume Alcohol Responsibly In Bali
Following a rise in reports of foreigners behaving badly in Bali, and as the high season gets underway, the Indonesian Minster for Tourism and Creative Economies, Sandiaga Uno, is calling on both alcohol vendors and tourists to act with great responsibility. Minister Uno’s comments come as an investigation remains underway into a British man who…
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Bali drängt auf harte Maßnahmen gegen problematische Ausländer
Der amtierende Gouverneur von Bali, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya, möchte sicherstellen, dass umfassende Maßnahmen gegen problematische ausländische Staatsangehörige ergriffen werden, um zu verhindern, dass das Image des Tourismus auf Bali beschädigt wird. „Wir wollen, dass die Maßnahmen vollständig und nicht halbherzig durchgeführt werden“, sagte Jaya bei einem Treffen in Nusa Dua, Badung, am Donnerstag…
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Bali Issues Important Statements To Tourists As High Season Begins
The Acting Governor of Bali, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya, has issued statements to tourists as the high season gets into full flow. The Acting Governor and tourism leaders on the island are calling on all tourists to make a real effort to respect the local culture and customs of the paradise island…
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Are Bali’s Badly Behaved Tourists On The Rise Again?
As the high season gets underway in Bali, the island is preparing for a huge influx of tourists. This weekend, a series of incidents took place across the island in which foreigners behaved in a less-than-culturally respectful and law-abiding way. Leaders across Bali want to enforce existing laws and cultural rules more strictly as the…
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The Way In Which Bali’s Tourism Industry Is Managed Could Be Changing
The way in which Bali’s tourism management sector is operated could be about to change. As leaders put their heads together to find better ways to create more culturally respectful and sustainable tourism and curb rampant tourism development on the island, some big ideas have been brought to the table…
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Would an Autonomous Bali Be Better Off?
Tourism and general development in Bali remain concentrated on the southern coast. Data provided by the State Statistic Agency (BPS) reports that state revenues and taxes collected in the Regency of Badung totaled Rp. 3.7 trillion. Underlining the disproportionate distribution of development in Bali, compare this Rp. 3.7 trillion figure with Denpasar and the other regencies of the Province, which all report revenues of less than Rp. 1 trillion. Quoting I Putu Winastra, the chairman of the Bali Chapter of the Indonesian Association of Travel Agents (ASITA), says Bali must implement a “One Island One Management” system of management if the Island is unable to secure the establishment of a special autonomous economic region…
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Fresh Guidelines Issued To Bali Tourists To Help Promote Cultural Respect
As the high season is about to get underway in Bali, the Indonesian Tourism Board, Wonderful Indonesia, has issued new guidance for tourists to help promote cultural respect and ensure that everyone feels safe and comfortable during a trip to the Island of the Gods. Wonderful Indonesia, as the national tourism board, is responsible for…
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Bali To Promote Island Destination To Gen Z Travelers
The Indonesian Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies has spoken to the press about the importance of Gen Z tourists in developing the country’s travel sector, especially in iconic destinations like Bali. Minister Uno said that the interests of both domestic and international Gen Z travelers must be taken into consideration. Minister Uno told reporters…
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Bali’s Cultural Identity At Risk Of Being Eroded If Tourism Development Continues
Young Balinese academics and entrepreneurs are calling on the authorities to do more to protect the islands cultural and natural heritage against rampant tourism development. The calls have been echoed by many tourism leader, political figures and Bali lovers who feel that they are watching the island’s fragile cultural identity and ecosystems disappear before their…
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Bali’s Singaraja Is A Low-Key Cultural Gem For Tourists
Tourists willing to get off the beaten track will be heartily rewarded with a stay in Bali’s ancient capital city of Bali. That’s right, the Island of the Gods hasn’t always been governed by Denpasar, and to this day, there are calls for Singaraja to be reinstated as the governmental and economic hub of the…
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Australian in Bali facing life in prison over alleged drug trafficking
An Australian on holiday in Bali may never return home as he faces the prospect of being charged with drug trafficking. Port Lincoln man T. S. was detained 13 days ago by Indonesian police accused of drug possession, but it can now be revealed he is accused of smuggling some into the country as well. The 49-year-old’s lawyer has told 9News that S. attempted to flee police before being arrested, with one officer firing a warning shot at the South Australian…
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Indonesien: Australier wegen angeblicher Drogendelikte auf Bali verhaftet und angeklagt
T. S. wurde am 30. April von der indonesischen Polizei in einem Hotel in Kuta, Bali, festgenommen. Die indonesische Polizei behauptet, dass er zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Besitz von 3,15 Gramm Methamphetamin war. Iwan Eka Putra, der Direktor der Drogenfahndung der Polizei von Bali, sagte gegenüber der ABC, dass die Drogen auf Wunsch von S. aus Australien geschickt worden seien. „Gegen T. wird derzeit noch ermittelt, und er befindet sich im Bali Police Detention Center in Haft“, sagte er. Die Polizei gab an, dass die Höchststrafe für diese Straftat 12 Jahre Gefängnis und eine Geldstrafe von 800.000 Dollar beträgt…
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Tourist Fatality Brings Renewed Warnings For Hiking In Bali
Tourists in Bali and across Indonesia are being urged to take safety warnings from the government and guides seriously when hiking in the county’s mountains and volcanos. The renewed warnings come after a Chinese tourist died after falling into the crater of East Java’s Mount Ijen. Since West Bali and East Java are so close…
Local Community Bid To Become New Management At Bali Tourist Beach
The local community, which manages part of the popular tourist resort of German Beach in south Bali, hopes that the provincial government will hand over more responsibility for the area. The German Beach Management team wants to have more say over how the tourist beach is maintained and developed…
Bali Professor Says Tourism Is Leading To Loss Of Cultural Identity
A top professor of tourism in Bali has spoken out about the negative impacts the industry is having on the island’s cultural identity. Professor I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, who is the Chancellor of Dhyana Pura University in Dalung, Bali, shared his observations with reporters. Speaking to the press, Prof Rai explained “The tourism industry…
Australischer Staatsbürger nach Angriff auf Einheimische im Minimarkt von Bali eingesperrt
Der australische Staatsangehörige geriet zunächst in eine körperliche Auseinandersetzung mit einem Einheimischen, bevor er den Tatort verließ. Als die Behörden versuchten, ihn festzunehmen, suchte er Zuflucht in einem Minimarkt. Daraufhin wurde er von Sicherheitspersonal oder Wachleuten von außen eingesperrt…
Tourists Claim Famous Bali Destinations Are Overrated
Tourists planning their first visit to Bali often have the same few questions: Is it safe? What should I do if I get sick? And is ‘X’ attraction or destination worth the visit? It only takes a quick look on social media at #ExpectationVsRealityBali to see that some places don’t quite look like the picture…
Could Bali Learn From Japan’s New Tourism Bans?
Over the last two years Bali has been battling against a small but growing minority of unruly culturally disrespectful and in some cases criminally inclined tourists visiting the island. Some would argue this is an issue that has been going on for decades. But could the Island of the Gods learn a thing or two…
Bali Security Teams Level Up Efforts To Keep Tourists Safe
As a world-leading tourism destination, keeping tourists safe in Bali is a top priority for security officers and the local government. From reducing crime to having more officers out on patrol just in case support is needed, Bali is committed to keeping visitors safe and comfortable…
Die wichtigsten Änderungen für Bali Touristen in 2024. Roller Verbot
Tourists Are Encouraged To Respect Bali Culture With These Small Gestures
In 2024, culturally respectful and sustainable tourism is the vibe in Bali. Following a turbulent year for tourism in 2023, which saw a sharp rise in the number of foreign tourists disrespecting local culture and ancient sacred sites and outright breaking the law, leaders in Bali want to ensure tourism uplifts the island’s deep…
Bali Police Are Cracking Down On Tourists Driving Irresponsibly
Officials in Bali are on the lookout for a group of male tourists who have been seen driving shirtless and without helmets in the Simpang Dewa Ruci area. While this is an all too common occurrence, officials want to make an example out of these guys…
Bali Wants To Redefine What Cultural Tourism Means In 2024
As leaders have been calling for a shift towards more sustainable and culturally respectful tourism, following a rise in badly-behaved foreigners in 2023, there is an opportunity for Bali to redefine what cultural tourism means in practice…
Bali: Füdliblutt vor dem Tempel zu meditieren war keine gute Idee
Ein Tourist wird von den balinesischen Behörden gejagt. Vor einem Tempel hat er mit seinem Verhalten eine Grenze überschritten. Es könnte sich um einen bekannten deutschen Influencer handeln…
Spoof Apology Video Sparks Further Outrage Against Disrespectful Bali Tourist
Bali lovers have been left outraged by yet another video of a tourist posing nude by a Balinese temple. In the latest viral video, a caucasian man can be seen ‘meditating’ naked in front of a temple. Bali Immigration and Police are now looking for the man…
A group of foreigners caught on camera stealing bar singer’s purse in Legian
A group of foreign tourists was caught on CCTV footage stealing a purse from the bag of a local bar singer in the lively Legian area over the weekend, in an incident that has since garnered much attention online…
New Tourism Control Team To Be Deployed In Bali
As the battle to crack down on unruly tourists in Bali continues, more officers will be deployed in the most popular resorts to help keep an eye on things. A Tourism Task Force, known as the Bali Becik Task Force, has already been deployed by the Director General of Immigration for Indonesia…
Italian man expelled from Bali after his public sex act caught on tape
An Italian man identified by his initials, LS, was deported from Indonesia after engaging in an explicit act in public view. The event transpired in the Seminyak area, which prompted the Bali authorities to take swift action…
Tourists Give Feedback On Bali’s Guidelines Of Do’s and Don’ts
Earlier this year, the Provincial Government of Bali, along with the Bali Tourism Board and Wonderful Indonesia launched an education awareness campaign to help eliminate bad behavior by tourists on the island. Three months after the launch, reporters have been seeing how visits feel about the new rules.
More Strange Behavior By Tourists In Bali Results In Deportation
Authorities in Bali have had a busy week cracking down on badly behaved foreigners on the island. It had started to appear like the tide had turned on unruly tourists on the island, but a few recent incidents have resulted in deportation and police call-outs…
Bali Immigration Develop New App To Keep A Track Of Tourists
As Bali continues to battle against a small but significant number of badly behaved foreigners on the island, leaders are working on new approaches to tackle the problem. From a dedicated task force to a specialist helpline for concerned residents, there has been lots of progress. But the latest measure will certainly raise some questions…
Briton arrested for pushing a police officer following traffic violation
The Bali Police announced yesterday that they have apprehended AAM, a British citizen, on Tuesday evening in Canggu after a clip went viral depicting him pushing a police officer as he and his female companion were stopped for violating traffic regulations…
Bali’s Tourist Task Force Continues To Deport Foreigners Breaking The Law – German man deported
The Head of the Singaraja Immigration Office, Hendra Setiawan, spoke to reporters on Monday 4th September to reveal details of a German man who was deported after being found guilty of breaking the conditions of his visa…
Bali: Naked Croatian tourist sparks outrage in Benoa
This time, social media users in Bali were taken aback by images and videos circulating on the internet, showing a foreign woman, completely unclothed, nonchalantly posing in front of a shop in the Benoa area of South Kuta…
Bali Immigration Officials Ordered To Act On Complaints About Tourists Within 72 Hours
Immigration officials in Bali are looking into ways in which they can crack down on the apparent rise in badly behaved foreigners on the island. In the last few days, officials have announced the launch of a new hotline for concerned citizens to report incidences of violations by tourists. Officials want complaints to be followed up with haste…
Bali Immigration Official Suggests Higher Spending Tourists Are Better Behaved
Bali is known as one of the most picturesque and luxurious travel destinations in the world. Famous as it may be for its incredible culture and 5-star hospitality, officials are concerned that the amount of low-spending tourists are beginning to tarnish the island’s international reputation…
Immigration Officials Have Created A Hotline To Report Bad Tourists In Bali
Immigration officials have launched a new hotline for concerned citizens to report tourists who have been behaving badly on the island. The move comes as the Director General of Immigration for Indonesia has also launched a new task force dedicated to eliminating disrespectful and illegal behavior by foreigners in the province…
Bali Immigration Sets New Target To Catch 100 Bad Tourists Every Month
Officials in Bali have taken the strategy on how to deal with unruly tourists on the island to the next level. Indonesia’s Director General of Immigration has announced the formation of a new task force that will be dedicated to cracking down on badly-behaved tourists on the island…
Immigration Officials Say Tourist Behavior Is Improving In Bali
The Director General of Immigration also took the opportunity to call on local authorities in Bali to continue to refine their communication and cooperation in order to preempt and avoid any poor behavior by tourists. This, he says, can be achieved through greater supervision of tourists across the island…
Over 4,000 Naughty Tourists Have Been Reported To Bali Police In 2023
Police in Bali have disclosed the details of the sheer volume of reports they are receiving about the behavior of some tourists on the island. The news comes as officials on the Island of the Gods are cracking down on lawless and disrespectful behavior by foreigners on holiday…
Touristen dürfen auf Bali bald nicht mehr mit dem Roller herumtuckern
Auf Bali sind Töffli und Roller ein beliebtes Fortbewegungsmittel. Die Insel will das aber nun wegen Unfällen und schlechten Benehmens für Touristen verbieten…
Bali Police Clamp Down On Dangerous Driving, Should Tourists Be Concerned?
Police in Bali are continuing their crackdown on badly behaved foreigners on the island. The new campaign was ordered by Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster last week. The crackdown has caused a social media storm, triggering concern from some tourists. Officials have confirmed that well-behaved visitors to Bali have nothing to worry about…
Bali Talks of Rampant Traffic Accidents Involving Foreign Tourists
Many traffic accidents that occurred in Bali involved foreign tourists. Bali Regional Police recorded there were 68 cases of road accidents involving foreign nationals throughout 2022. „In 2022, foreign tourists were involved in 68 traffic accidents. Four of them died, none suffered serious damage, and 86 got minor injuries…
Bali Police to Clamp Down on Foreigners Breaking Laws with Religious Festivals Due
The Bali Police is holding an operation to improve local conditions for five days or from Friday 17th-22nd March 2023. The operation is an attempt to control foreigners and prevent them from causing trouble on the Island of the Gods…
Bali will Moped-Vermietung an Urlauber stoppen
Weil sich Urlauber nicht an die Verkehrsregeln halten, sollen auf Bali bald keine Roller mehr an sie vermietet werden. Auf der indonesischen Ferieninsel wird an einem Gesetz gearbeitet, das es Reisenden verbieten soll, Mopeds zu mieten…
Bali Governor to Prohibit Foreign Tourists from Renting Motorbikes
The Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster has announced his intention to prohibit foreign tourists from renting motorbikes. The ban will be legalised in the form of a regional regulation…
Bali’s Governor Announces Huge Policy Change Proposals That Will Affect Tourists
Bali’s Governor Wayan Koster has made a big announcement to start the week. He has announced a series of proposed policy changes that would seriously impact tourists, digital nomads, and potentially even ex-pats on the island. The new proposed policies would certainly stamp down on illegal, disrespectful, and dangerous behavior in an undeniably impactful way…