Nama: Ngurah Rai
Der Name des Flughafens ist für westliche Besucher fast nicht aussprechbar: Ngurah Rai, in Langform in Bahasa Indonesia “Bandar Udara Internasional Ngurah Rai”, 3-Letter-Code DPS. Viele Male haben wir den Flughafen passiert, besonders schön haben wir ihn nicht in Erinnerung behalten. Das fängt schon mit der Korruption bei der Einreise an. Bei unseren ersten Reisen als Backpacker nach Bali reisten wir stilgerecht mit dem Bemo vom Flughafen ab, einige Jahre später dann mit dem Taxi direkt nach Candidasa. Wir liessen uns auch schon einen Suzuki-Mietwagen eines lokalen Vermieters an den Flughafen bringen oder wurden von einem Privat-Shuttle direkt in ein Hotel in Seminyak chauffiert. Der Flughafen Ngurah Rai auf Bali ist nichts Besonderes, das hat auch Sebastian vom FrankfurtFlyer festgestellt: Er hat sich in der Premier Lounge des Flughafens für eine Instant-Nudelsuppe entschieden. Selamat Makan
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Bali – Canberra Flight Frequency Reduced
After only two months in operation, passenger demand for the air route connecting Australia’s capital city of Canberra and Bali is lacking. As a result, the Indonesian Lion Air Group Subsidiary Batik Air has reduced its thrice-weekly flight service to just twice a week…
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Upgrades To Bali Airport Nearly Complete As Trends Suggest Tourism Boom Continues
I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport has undergone a series of major renovations that will make the overall travel experience more efficient. With Bali on track to have its busiest year for tourism on record in 2024, urgent upgrades are essential if the island is to keep up with this rapid growth of international arrivals…
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Indonesien: Aeroflot fliegt wieder nach Denpasar auf Bali
Die Fluggesellschaft Aeroflot Russian Airlines plant die Aufnahme von Flügen ab Moskau in die indonesische Stadt Denpasar. Die Aufnahme der Verbindung ist für den 17. September vorgesehen, die Fluggesellschaft plant drei wöchentliche Flüge. Die Flüge werden mit einem Airbus A350-900XWB durchgeführt…
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New Flight Route Connects Bali Tourists With Southeast Asia Bucket List Destination
Tourists seeking to explore more of Southeast Asia’s bucket list destinations have a treat in store. The region’s favorite low-cost airline has just announced new flight services that will connect Bali travelers to incredible must-visit destinations. Leaders in Bali have long been on a mission to help increase connectivity between I Gusti Ngurah Rai International…
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Four US Fighter Jets Land in Bali
Four US Air Force F-22 Raptor Fighter Jets stopped briefly on 06 August at Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport as part of the 27th Expeditionary Fighting Squadron international Expedition, which is based at the Langley-Eustis Joint Air Force Base in Virginia (USA). The visit marked the first time that 5th-generation fighter jets have landed in Indonesia. Before the Bali visit, careful coordination was agreed upon and implemented with the Indonesian Republic’s Defense Establishment. The stop in Bali is part of an international global practice journey to test the jet’s ability to play a role in the defense of the Indo-Pacific region…
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Travel At Bali Airport Just Got Quicker As Leaders Back Calls To Scrap Flight Tax
Bali Airport is one of the busiest airports in Indonesia, with over 2.2 million passengers passing through the terminals each month; leaders have been working to make things easier and more efficient for travelers on the go. Indonesian Ministers are also investigating ways to make flights more affordable for both domestic and international travellers…
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Pilot And Tourist Passengers Safe After Horror Helicopter Crash In Bali
A helicopter carrying tourists on a scenic flight over the Bukit Peninsula in Bali crashed near Suluban Beach on Friday afternoon. Shocking footage shows the helicopter lodged between the cliffs close to Suluban Beach and the pilot and four passengers scrambling to free themselves from the wreckage…
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Bali Airport startet “Projekt Optimierung” zur Verbesserung des Reiseerlebnisses
Der Flughafen Bali hat das “Projekt Optimierung” gestartet, um die Kapazität des Flughafens zu erhöhen und das Reiseerlebnis zu verbessern. Der internationale Flughafen I Gusti Ngurah Rai ist der einzige Flughafen in der Provinz Bali und wird im Jahr 2024 sein bisher verkehrsreichstes Jahr erleben. Der Generaldirektor des internationalen Flughafens PT Angkasa Pura I Ngurah Rai, Handy Heryudhitiawan, hat mit Reportern über das Projekt gesprochen. Er bestätigte, dass die Kapazität des Flughafens erhöht werden soll, so dass der Vorzeigeflughafen Indonesiens in den kommenden Jahren 32 Millionen Passagiere pro Jahr abfertigen kann. Derzeit kann der Flughafen 24 Millionen Reisende pro Jahr abfertigen…
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Bali’s Airport Traffic Up 16% Jan-June 2024
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport has reported data showing 11,259,019 arriving and departing passengers and 68,202 aircraft movements during the first six months of 2024. Quoted by, the general manager of PT Angkasa Pura I – the management authority for Bali’s Airport, Handy Heryudhitiawan, stated pm 10 July 2024: “The increase in passengers recorded in the first semester of 2024 shows that the image of the Island of Bali as a world-class tourism destination remains relevant.. “With the continued increase in passengers and flight routes at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in the first semester of 2024 it is certain that the services we provide will also increase,”…
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Bali’s Nusa Dua Offers Free Electric Bus Shuttle Service For Tourists
Nusa Dua, in the south of Bali, is the island’s most luxurious resort area and is home to the highest concentration of five start holidays anywhere in the province. Now, managers have confirmed that they are leveling up services for luxury-loving guests with a complimentary shuttle service that is also helping the environment…
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Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport to Increase Capacity to 32 Million Passengers
The growing number of international flight routes to and from Bali, in addition to the beginning of the school summer break, has significantly influenced the airport’s capacity increase. The General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Ngurah Rai International Airport, Handy Heryudhitiawan, disclosed that the passenger capacity at Ngurah Rai Airport currently stands at 24 million passengers. It is estimated that the number of passengers flying to and from the airport will reach at least 23.6 million people soon. Thus, increasing the airport’s capacity to 32 million passengers was deemed necessary…
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Bali Airport On Track To Celebrate Its Busiest Ever Year For Tourism
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport has revealed official figures on the number of travelers who have passed through the airport so far this year. In the first six months of 2024, Bali Airport has proven that it is on track to smash annual tourism targets by December. Official figures show that between January…
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Bali Airport DPS: Security Workers Threaten Strike Action
Hundreds of security workers employed by Angkasa Pura Supports (APS) at Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport are protesting plans to change their employment status from “permanent” to contract employees. As reported by, members of the Police, Armed Forces, Local Enforcement Agencies (Satpol PP), Community Watch (Pacalang), and Tuban Local Security Personnel (Bakamda) were summoned by APS to the Head Office of Angkasa Pura Supports on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai in Tuban when hundreds of security workers participated in a peaceful rally organized by Bali Mandiri United Workers Union (FSPM) on Thursday, 04 July 2024…
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Indonesiens Ministerium skizziert Plan zur Datenwiederherstellung nach Cyberangriff
Das indonesische Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informatik hat nach dem Ransomware-Angriff auf das Temporäre Nationale Datenzentrum (PDNS) 2 einen Drei-Zonen-Plan zur Datenwiederherstellung aufgestellt. Die Zonen sind mit rot, blau und grün gekennzeichnet, wobei für jede Zone unterschiedliche Datenverarbeitungsprozesse gelten. Der aktuelle Vorfall befindet sich in der roten Zone und wird unter Quarantäne gestellt. “Die Daten werden dann zur Bereinigung in die blaue Zone verschoben, bevor sie den Nutzern in der grünen Zone zur Verfügung gestellt werden”, sagte Ismail, der amtierende Generaldirektor für Informatikanwendungen des Ministeriums, am Dienstag…
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Indonesien erhält Daten auch ohne Lösegeld zurück
In der vergangenen Woche wurde bekannt, dass Indonesiens nationales Rechenzentrum zur Zielscheibe eines Ransomware-Angriffs mit der Lockbit 3.0-Ransomware wurde. Die Folgen sind weitreichend, da mehr als 200 Regierungs- und Regionalbehörden darauf zurückgreifen. Die Gruppe StealthMole berichtet nun auf X/Ex-Twitter, dass die Angreifer der Cybergang “Brain Cipher” den Entschlüsselungs-Key für die beim Ransomware-Angriff verschlüsselten Daten auch ohne Zahlung von Lösegeld übergeben hätten…
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New Flight Routes Planned For Bali In Late 2024
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport has confirmed that six major international airlines are bidding for increased flight routes starting in October 2024. This is huge news for travelers who are planning their trips to the province at the end of the year and into early 2025…
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Hackers offer surprise apology after ransomware attack on Indonesian government data centres
Hackers promise ‘keys for free’ after locking up Indonesian government data centres. The hackers behind a major cyber attack on the Indonesian government issue a surprise apology and offer to release the stolen data…
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Indonesisches Ministerium entschuldigt sich für Cyberangriff nach Rücktrittsforderungen
Das indonesische Ministerium für Kommunikation und Informatik hat sich wiederholt für die Ransomware-Attacke vom Juni entschuldigt, die einige Regierungsdienste lahmgelegt hat, während in der Öffentlichkeit die Kritik am Umgang mit der Cyber-Attacke und ihren Folgen wächst. Kommunikations- und Informationsminister Budi Arie Setiadi steht unter dem Druck der Öffentlichkeit, sein Amt niederzulegen, unter anderem durch eine Petition, die bereits Tausende von Unterschriften erhalten hat. Bei einer Medienveranstaltung am 1. Juli sagte er, dass ihm der Vorfall leid tue, berichtete die nationale Tageszeitung The Jakarta Post…
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Cyberangriff auf Indonesien: Fehlende Backups bereiten Behörden massive Probleme
Hacker haben in nationalen Rechenzentren von Indonesien Daten verschlüsselt. Die Wiederherstellung ist zum Großteil unmöglich, weil die Behörden an Backups gespart haben…
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Indonesien: Touristenankünfte steigen trotz Cyberattacke
Der Minister für Tourismus und Kreativwirtschaft, Sandiaga Uno, erklärte, dass die Touristenankünfte in Indonesien trotz des jüngsten Cyberangriffs auf das temporäre nationale Datenzentrum, der die Einwanderungsdienste beeinträchtigte, weiter zunehmen. “Bis heute sind die Touristenankünfte an den drei Haupttoren (Jakarta, Bali, Riau-Inseln) immer noch gut gewachsen. Ich habe mich heute Morgen vergewissert, dass die Zahl der Ankünfte auf Bali bei 20.000 liegt, was einem Zuwachs von über 30 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht”…
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Meet Brain Cipher – The new ransomware behind Indonesia’s data center attack
The new Brain Cipher ransomware operation has begun targeting organizations worldwide, gaining media attention for a recent attack on Indonesia’s temporary National Data Center…
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Indonesia won’t pay $8M ransom in data center attack that disrupted major public services
Targeting a national data center, the attack brought down major public services, including airport immigration. Data migration efforts are ongoing…
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Floating Airports For Tourist Seaplane Adventures Will Soon Be Built In Bali
Bali tourism development in Bali continues to boom, and the issue of transportation continues to grow. As leaders are working to develop everything from new bus lanes to tram systems, railway networks, and a new international airport, some tourism developers are looking into the viability of floating airports and seaplane travel along the island’s coast…
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More than 40 Indonesian agencies hit by cyberattack on data centres
The cyberattack disrupted immigration services and affected operations at Indonesia’s major airports…
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Indonesia: National Data Centre Hit by Ransomware Attack, Disrupting Public Services
A ransomware attack on the Temporary National Data Centre (PDNS) in Surabaya has caused significant disruptions to public services, including immigration and online student registration. The National Data Centre (PDN) has been hit by a ransomware attack since Thursday, 20th June 2024. This has resulted in several public services, such as immigration, experiencing disruptions…
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Tourists Must Arrive Extra Early For Flights At Bali Airport As Immigration System Is Disrupted
Tourists in Indonesia are being instructed to leave extra time when traveling through international airports in the coming days. This is because the National Data Center, which is managed by the Ministry of Communication and Information, is experiencing a range of technical issues with its servers…
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Tourism Expert Criticises Plan to Build Airport in North Bali
The plan to continue the construction of an airport in the North Bali region is facing opposition. Nyoman Sukma Arida, a tourism expert at Udayana University, expressed her opinion to the local press that adding more airports on Bali Island—particularly, a new airport in North Bali—would be more trouble than it is worth…
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Bali Tourists Could Be Directed To East Java Airport To Discover West Bali
As stakeholders have spoken up about their hopes for progress on North Bali Airport in the coming months, Indonesia’s Minister for Tourism and Creative Economics has expressed his wishes for airports in East Java to be better utilized to support Bali tourists. Minister Sandiaga Uno told reporters that East Java’s Banyuwangi Airport could be promoted…
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Hopes Remain High For North Bali Airport Development
Aside from flying taxis and tourism visitor quotas, the North Bali Airport has been one of the most contentious ideas in Bali for the last decade. While the project has been shelved and then put back on the table and shelved again, supporters of the development are hopeful that the new incoming president will give…
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Indonesien widerruft den internationalen Status von 17 Flughäfen
Die Entscheidung des Verkehrsministeriums zielt darauf ab, die Konnektivität zu verbessern und die Effizienz des Flughafenmanagements zu steigern. Das Verkehrsministerium hat offiziell den internationalen Status von 17 der zuvor 34 internationalen Flughäfen in Indonesien widerrufen. Der Entzug des internationalen Status ist im Ministerialerlass Nr. 31 aus dem Jahr 2024 über die Bestimmung von internationalen Flughäfen festgelegt, der am 2. April 2024 veröffentlicht wurde…
Steigende Kriminalität am Flughafen: Bali schickt mehr Polizisten auf Streife
Aufgrund zunehmender Berichte über kriminelle Aktivitäten in und um Bali haben Beamte von I Gusti Ngurah Rai International angeordnet, dass mehr Polizisten in dem Gebiet eingesetzt werden. Taschendiebstahl und Diebstahl sind die häufigsten Straftaten am Flughafen von Bali. Der Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Ngurah-Rai-Flughafenpolizei, Inspektor Nyoman Darsana, bestätigte am Mittwoch, den 24. April, gegenüber Reportern, dass diese verstärkten Patrouillen angeordnet wurden, um eine sichere und komfortable Flughafensicherheit für die Menschen zu schaffen, die die Flughafendienste nutzen…
Bali: Deutscher Passagier bricht sich bei Turbulenzen das Bein
Nur 30 Minuten nach dem Start in Denpasar, als die Anschnallzeichen bereits erloschen waren, kam die Boeing 787-9 von Air New Zealand in schwere Turbulenzen. Der 47-jährige Niko kam da gerade von der Toilette zurück. Wie die Zeitung New Zealand Herald berichtet, brach er sich dabei Schien- und Wadenbein…
Nearly 700 Flights Canceled as Bali Airport Closed Over Volcanic Eruption
Indonesia has closed Bali airport, one of its busiest international terminals, cancelling hundreds of flights, because of ash spewed by a volcano on a nearby island, authorities said on Wednesday. The resort island’s Ngurah Rai airport will be closed until Thursday morning and will reopen after a re-evaluation of the situation, officials said. “A total of 692 flights have been canceled,” airport authorities said in a statement.
Bali Airport Will Fast Track Improvements For Tourist Ease
Bali Airport is committed to leveling up passenger experience across domestic and international terminals. Since late 2023, new autogates have been installed to help speed up the immigration process, and more are in the pipeline. Last week, Bali Airport apologized for any upcoming inconvenience caused by the installation of the next 30 autogates…
Tourists Must Account For Traffic When Driving To Bali Airport
Tourists planning their vacations in Bali must leave plenty of time to travel to I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. While apps like GoogleMaps and Waze give pretty accurate travel times, they should not be relied upon absolutely; with so much traffic on the roads, it’s essential to leave extra time…
Bali Airport Apologizes To Tourists For Upcoming Installation Works
Following the successful launch of the first autogates at Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, the next phase of installations has begun. A total of 30 more autogates will be installed at the international arrivals terminal. The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Silmy Karim, is on a mission…
Bali immigration installs 30 additional autogate units at Ngurah Rai
The Ngurah Rai Immigration Office in Badung District, Bali, installed 30 additional units of immigration automatic gates, or autogates, at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport to support the effectiveness of international flights. “Installation will take around three months, and we are targeting completion in early July 2024,” Head of the Ngurah Rai Immigration Office, Suhendra, stated in Denpasar, Tuesday…
Changes Introduced At Bali Airport To Increase Passenger Comfort
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is the island’s only commercial airport. Its terminals are among the busiest in Indonesia and serve routes both internationally and domestically. Airport Managers are always seeking to improve passengers’ travel experiences. Changes have come into effect at Bali Airport’s domestic terminal to improve the pick-up and drop-off process…
Koffer-Chaos am Flughafen von Bali
Nicht viele Flugpassagiere können von sich aber behaupten, am Gepäckband ein komplettes Chaos erlebt zu haben. So geschehen nach einem Jetstar-Flug von Brisbane zum internationalen Flughafen von Bali in Denpasar. Eine Frau hielt die Szenerie mit dem Handy fest und teilte den Clip auf der Social-Media-Plattform Tiktok. Im Video ist zu sehen, wie sich Koffer übereinander stapeln, bevor sie vom Gepäckband herunterfallen…
Bali Immigration Cuts Tourist Arrival Checks To 25-Seconds
Officials in Bali have confirmed that the newly installed auto-gates will make it easier and quicker than ever for tourists to pass through immigration. The news comes as the airport edges closer to its pre-pandemic norm. The Director General of Immigration for Indonesia, Silmy Karim, has spoken to reporters now that the auto-gates are up…
Bali Airport Busier By The Day As Destination Grows In Popularity
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport is one of the busiest airports in Indonesia. As the gateway to the country’s leading tourist destination, Bali Airport welcomes millions of passengers every year. Travel data shows that Bali Airport is serving even more international flight routes than this time last year…
New North Bali Airport Predicted To Serve 32 Million Tourists Annually
The plans for North Bali Airport have been floating around since 2015, with rumors for the project surfacing much earlier than that. The project has been on and off the cards for nearly ten years now, but the most likely incoming president has some big promises to keep…
New Flight Connects More Australian Tourists With Bali
Not one but two major airlines have confirmed that new flight services will be operating from the Land Down Under to the Island of the Gods. Flights from Canberra to Bali are set to resume in June 2024. Batik Air, which is part of the Lion Air travel group, will be launching a new flight service from the Australian capital to Denpasar on 14th June, just in time for the school holidays…
Bali’s Ngurah Rai Airport Officially Launches 30 New Autogate Services
The brand-new autogate services are expected to provide a more efficient inspection process while also enticing more tourists to visit Bali. On 26th January, Bali’s provincial immigration office officially opened and launched autogate services at the province’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport. Presiding over the launch was Romi Yudianto, the regional chief of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights for the Bali Province, who also teased that there will be more autogate services to come at the airport…
Australian Airlines Are Battling It Out To Win More Bali Tourist Flights
Two of Australia’s top airlines are in a fierce battle to win more flights to Bali. As Virgin Australia and Jetstar compete to win extra flight capacity on the I Gusti Ngurah Rai International schedule, industry unions are weighing in with their support. In 2024, Bali aims to welcome 7 million international arrivals…
Improved Duty Free Shopping For Tourists At Bali Airport Coming Soon
Bali’s I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport is about to level up its shopping experience for tourists. Management has confirmed that the airport’s shopping areas are up for tender, meaning that new businesses can bid to open stores at the international terminals…
Bali Tourists Encouraged To Use E-Visa Service Before Arrival
Immigration officials in Bali are calling on tourists to start the electronic visa-on-arrival system as much as possible. While visa on-arrival will be available to arrange at Bali Airport for the foreseeable future, officials are encouraging tourists to use the e-VoA service to help reduce queues…
Auto-Gates am Flughafen Bali sollen die Ankunft von Touristen beschleunigen
Der Flughafen Bali ist einer der verkehrsreichsten Flughäfen in Südostasien. I Gusti Ngurah Rai International empfängt durchschnittlich 18.000 Touristen pro Tag, und da die Zahl der abzuwickelnden Touristen ständig zunimmt, investieren die Behörden in neue Technologien, um mögliche Warteschlangen zu vermeiden.
Der Flughafen Bali ist dabei, 90 automatische Schleusen in den Ankunftshallen zu installieren. In der internationalen Ankunftshalle werden 60 automatische Flugsteige installiert, die übrigen 30 werden im internationalen Abflugterminal aufgestellt.
Die automatische Technologie wurde vor kurzem auch am Flughafen Jakarta eingeführt und ist Teil einer landesweiten Maßnahme der Generaldirektion für Einwanderung, die darauf abzielt, die Dienstleistungen in allen Bereichen zu verbessern. Die automatischen Schleusen scannen die Pässe der Passagiere und verwenden eine Gesichtserkennungssoftware, um die Identität zu bestätigen.
Bali Airport Commits To Reducing Wait Times For Tourists
Bali Airport is one of the busiest airports in Indonesia. As the island is in the midst of the tourist high season, officials have announced that they are committed to ensuring travelers have a smooth journey through I Gusti Ngurah Rai International…
Bali, vom Flughafen zum Hotel mit Taxi oder Grab?
Wir sind endlich in Bali angekommen! In diesem Video sprechen wir über die besten Transportoptionen, um vom Flughafen zu unserem Hotel zu kommen. Sollten wir ein Taxi nehmen, oder ist es besser, einen Uber oder Grab zu buchen?…
Bali Remains As Popular As Ever Even In The Middle Of Low Season
The General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Bali, Handy Heryudhitiawan, told reporters, “We are optimistic that the achievement in 2023 will be better compared to 2022, considering that currently I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport serves an average of 48 thousand passengers per day.”
Minister Says “No” to North Bali Airport
The decision to eliminate a 2nd International Airport in Bali as a Government priority was taken after considering new toll roads and new port facilities and the fact that Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport can still be upgraded to support tourism to accommodate 35 million travelers – three times the current passenger levels…
Bali Airport To Invest In Improving Customer Experience
Bali Airport has something of a hit-or-miss reputation. If you’re passing through at just the right moment, you can race through the airport in the blink of an eye. Arrive at just the wrong moment, and you could be met with queues, cancellations, and, some would say, chaos…
German Blogger Attracts Ire Criticising Immigration Queues at Bali Airport
A German blogger has been caught up in an online controversy about immigration waiting times at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali…
Bali: Deutscher Blogger soll Insel der Götter vorzeitig verlassen
Ein kritischer Bericht über die Zustände am Flughafen Bali kam bei den Behörden nicht gut an. Darüber berichtet Coconuts Bali hier.
Plans For New North Bali Airport Officially Off Government Priority List
The President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has removed a total of eight major construction projects from the list of National Strategic Projects. One of these eight scrapped projects is the contentious North Bali Airport…