Von Menschenhand geschaffene Naturwunder
Wenn man aus Europa auf Bali ankommt und das Flugzeug verlässt, macht es erstmal BUMM. Tropische Temperaturen und hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit bringen jeden erstmal ins Schwitzen. Nach einigen Tagen der Akklimatisation beginnen die meisten der Besucher, die Insel zu erkunden. Neben den Tempeln, heiligen Quellen, kulturellen Veranstaltungen und von Künstlern erschaffenen Meisterwerken sind die Reisterrassen auf Bali ein Highlight. Das sind die bekanntesten auf Bali:
1. Jatiluwih
2. Pupuan
3. Sidemen
4. Tegallalang
5. Tirtagangga
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Bali’s Famous Rice Terraces Are Super Busy This Month – Here’s Where To Go Instead
Bali’s world-famous Jatiluwih Rice Terraces are seeing record visitor numbers this month, and the Tegalalang Rice Terraces are feeling busy too! With an average of 1,750 tourists exploring the UNESCO World Heritage Landscape every day, tourists who want to dodge the crowds will need to go a little off-path. The Jatiliwih Rice Terraces are one…
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Bali: Wasserfälle
Die schönsten Bali Wasserfälle findest du vor allem im Zentrum und im Norden. Am besten erkundest du sie von Ubud, Munduk und Lovina aus. Wir haben dir eine Karte unserer Lieblingswasserfälle auf Bali erstellt. So bekommst du schnell einen Überblick. Perfekter Ausgangspunkt:..
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Bali’s Munduk Increasing In Popularity With International Tourists
Munduk is the name that is hot on the lips of every Bali lover right now. Whether a returning annual visitor or a first-time holidaymaker, with Bali’s leading destinations more popular than ever, travelers are seeking new destinations that offer the chance to connect with the natural and cultural charm of the island…
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Indonesien bewirbt sich um den UNESCO-Status der kreativen Stadt Tabanan auf Bali
Der Minister für Tourismus und Kreativwirtschaft, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, erklärte, dass der Bezirk Tabanan auf Bali ein großes Potenzial für die Aufnahme in das UNESCO-Netzwerk der Kreativstädte hat. Er führte dieses Potenzial auf das Subak Jatiluwih in Tabanan zurück, ein landwirtschaftliches Gebiet, das 2012 von der UNESCO zum immateriellen Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde…
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Medewi, Munduk, Sideman and Seseh Emerge As Bali’s Hottest New Destinations
We have reached the conclusion of our three-part series exploring Bali’s four hottest new and emerging destinations. We have taken a deep dive into Munduk, Seseh, and Medewi, and in this final part, we will explore everything that wonderful Sideman has to offer…
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Indonesia: Bali’s Fascinating Farming System Shows Tourists A New Side To Island Life
Bali’s fascinating farming system has been recognized by UNSECO as an essential aspect of human culture that must be preserved for generations to come. While going on a farm tour may not immediately jump out as a must-do activity on an island vacation, visiting Bali’s world-famous rice terraces is, in fact, one of the most…
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Bali: Price Hike for Jatiluwih Terrace Visitors
RadarBali.com reports that managing the World Heritage Site of Jatiluwih Rice Terraces in Tabanan Regency has increased the cost of admission tickets tourists pay. The increased price for admission tickets only applies to foreign visitors, while the admission price for domestic tourists remains unchanged. I Ketut Purna, the Jatiluwih Heritage Site (DTW) manager, has confirmed the price increase for international visitors, effective 01 April 2024…
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Weltwasserforum 2024 auf Bali: Subak auf Bali steht für lokale Weisheit im Umgang mit Wasser
Der Präsident hob hervor, dass die Wasserressourcen für die Menschen in Indonesien einen wichtigen kulturellen Wert haben. Das Subak-Bewässerungssystem auf Bali wird seit dem 11. Jahrhundert praktiziert und als Weltkulturerbe anerkannt…
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Bali: Into the Mist in Munduk
Mountain roads balance between the ridges that ascend into Bali’s central highlands, either hugged by sheer, fern-covered cliffs or opening to vast views of lowland scenes, objects shrinking with the distance: a thousand metres above sea level. These are the roads to Munduk, an alpine pocket where dewy rainforests and hidden waterfalls invite outdoor-types to explore the rural hillsides of Bali…
Tourist Ticket Prices Set To Increase At This Famous Bali Landmark
As the launchpad for thousands of backpacking adventures and budget-friendly family vacations, tourists have always appreciated value for money in Bali. Yet, in 2024, it seems that all this is changing and fast. Another of Bali’s leading landmarks has announced that it is increasing ticket prices for the year ahead. The world-famous UNESCO Jatiluwih Rice Terraces in Tabanan Regency are hiking entry fees for both domestic and international tourists…
Soaring Demand For Bali’s Iconic Rice Terraces Is Causing Traffic Issues
Bali is a busy place to be right now. The island is in the middle of the high tourist season, and all of the island’s most popular attractions welcome thousands of visitors every day. One iconic destination is seeing a huge surge in visitor numbers which has caused some issues with traffic and parking…
Things to do in Bali
A 20-minute drive north of Ubud, the valley of Tegallalang is home to some of the island’s most picturesque rice terraces. Here you can see Bali’s ancient, Unesco-listed subak irrigation system in action, with small streams and gullies running to the terraces from pretty puras (temples), showcasing the strong connection between religion, community and nature on the island…