Minister will nur noch Qualitäts-Besucher – damit Bali sauber bleibt
Das klingt schon unglaublich, was der Minister Luhut Pandjaitan da so von sich gibt. Backpacker haben Bali berühmt gemacht, dafür gesorgt, dass diese kleine indonesische Insel Weltruhm erlangte. Jetzt sind sie plötzlich nicht mehr willkommen. Sie sollen draußen bleiben, damit Bali sauber bleibt. Backpacker sind also “unsauber”. Das jedenfalls meldet The Bali Times.
The minister also said that Indonesia is only interested in “quality visitors. We will filter tourists that come visit. We don’t want backpackers to come so that Bali remains clean, where the people who come are of quality,” Luhut said.
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Bali Says Increasing Prices Part Of ‘Natural Selection’ For Wealthy Tourists
Bali’s Tourism Office has said loud and clear that high-spending tourists will be welcome in Bali, but low-budget travelers are out as the island moves towards promoting more sustainable and culturally respectful tourism. It’s clear money talks. Speaking from his officers in Denpasar this week, Pemayun was clear that moving forward, only some backpackers will be welcome on the island. He explained, “We also need backpackers but in small numbers. It seems that Bali wants to price out both lower-budget international tourists and lower-spending domestic tourists too…
Backpacking ade: Diese Länder wollen lieber Luxusreisende
Auch Bali, jahrzehntelanges Sehnsuchtsziel vieler Rucksackreisender, bereitet sich auf eine neue Zielgruppe vor. Eigentlich schon bei der Wiedereröffnung nach Corona wollte man Backpackerinnen und Backpacker ausschließen…
Bali Visa On Arrival Program Adds 17 More Countries
In perhaps the most significant update for international travel to Bali since the reopening of Ngurah Rai airport in February, the Visa on Arrival program for Indonesia has been resumed in full. The Head of Bali Law and Human Rights Minister, Jamaruli Manihuruk, confirmed that the central government has resumed the VOA program…
Bali officials deny reports regarding plan to increase visa on arrival fees
Following reports from several local outlets about the Indonesian government’s plan to increase the price of visas on arrival (VOA) threefold, two officials (including Bali Governor Wayan Koster) separately told reporters that the news is not true…
Bali: Visa on Arrival soll teurer werden
Jetzt werden Pläne bekannt, die Gebühren für das Visa-on-Arrival (VOA) zu erhöhen: Von 35 U$ auf 105 U$. Das entspricht einer Verdreifachung. Backpacker raus und Luxury-Traveler rein. Oder so ähnlich. The Bali Times berichtet hier.