Traumstraße weiterhin gesperrt
Der Highway 1 zwischen Big Sur und San Simeon bleibt für weitere 3-4 Wochen gesperrt. Wir hatten in diesem Beitrag bereits am 7. Januar 2023 darüber berichtet. Hier gibt es aktuelle Informationen über die Fortschritte der Instandsetzung: Caltrans District 5 informiert hier auf Twitter und auf dieser Webseite.
Update 11FEB23:
More, but not all, of Highway 1 to reopen south of Big Sur
Weeks after storms and a rockslide closed a long stretch of Highway 1 south of Big Sur, Caltrans is reopening much of the road to traffic this weekend…
Update 10FEB23
Big Sur: Highway 1 road closures lifting this weekend. But driving the entire span still impossible
Although two sections of the highway are reopening Saturday and Sunday, the agency still needs to move about 1 million cubic feet of dirt – equivalent to 11 Olympic size swimming pools – to replace a stretch of road fittingly called Paul’s Slide, near Limekiln State Park, where a devastating landslide split Highway 1 a month ago…
Big Sur: Highway 1 road closures lifting this weekend. But driving the entire span still impossible
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Road: Highway 1, Los Angeles – Schwere Schlammlawinen und Überschwemmungen legen den Pacific Coast Highway lahm und spülen Fahrzeug und Feuerwehrmann ins Meer
Am Donnerstag ergossen sich gewaltige Mengen an Regenwasser und Schlamm über den Pacific Coast Highway. Sie spülten ein Fahrzeug der Feuerwehr von L.A. von der berühmten Küstenstraße und führten zu einer Straßensperrung auf unbestimmte Zeit etwa von Santa Monica bis zum Malibu Pier…
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Kalifornien: Highway 1 bei Gorda nach nächtlicher Sperrung aufgrund eines Erdrutsches wieder geöffnet
Der Highway 1 wurde am Freitagvormittag wieder geöffnet, nachdem der erste Erdrutsch des Jahres 2025 auf dem Teilstück des Highway 1 in Monterey County in der Nacht zum Donnerstag einen 12 Meilen langen Abschnitt der Straße gesperrt hatte. Ein kleiner Erdrutsch, der die Fahrbahn in nördlicher Richtung in einer unübersichtlichen Kurve verschüttete, ereignete sich während des letzten Sturms, der am Donnerstag über die Zentralküste zog. Der Erdrutsch ereignete sich in Monterey County zwei Meilen nördlich der Grenze zu San Luis Obispo County und führte zur Sperrung der Autobahn zwischen Ragged Point im nördlichen San Luis Obispo County und Gorda im südlichen Monterey County…
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Kalifornien: Caltrans installiert Träger in Rocky Creek und gibt Highway 1 nach Big Sur wieder frei
Nachdem Caltrans am Wochenende während eines 24-stündigen Zeitraums neun Betonfertigteilträger an der Reparaturstelle des Rocky Creek auf dem Highway 1 installiert hatte, wurde die Fahrbahn wieder freigegeben und die Zufahrt nach Big Sur wiederhergestellt. Der Einbau der Träger erforderte eine längere Sperrung des Highway 1 von Samstag- bis Sonntagnacht, so dass die Arbeiter zwei schwere Kräne an beiden Enden des Projektgebiets einsetzen konnten, um die Arbeiten durchzuführen…
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Highway 1, Kalifornien: Big Sur noch geschlossen, aber atemberaubend
Wir besuchen Kaliforniens ultimativen Road Trip, Carmel nach San Simeon, die Küstenroute des Highway 1 durch die neunzig windigen Meilen des wunderschönen Big Sur. Grund dafür sind die Schlammlawinen, die Big Sur auf halber Strecke bei Lucia geschlossen haben und Autofahrer auf einen Umweg schicken, der sie den ganzen Weg zurück nach Salinas führt…
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California: Caltrans work to close Highway 1 overnight near Rocky Creek next week
Caltrans says full overnight closures of Highway 1 can be expected in the coming days due to work near Rocky Creek Bridge having to do with the slip-out there that happened earlier this year. For the next two weeks daytime travelers can expect intermittent delays of up to 20 minutes as crews bring equipment on site for continued excavation work…
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Wir sind fertig“: Highway 101 Bar mit historischem Biervermächtnis schließt
Ein Taproom mit Grill am Highway 101, der von einem der ersten Mitarbeiter der Lagunitas Brewing Company gegründet wurde, schließt nach sechs turbulenten Jahren, die von Naturkatastrophen überschattet waren, für immer seine grüne Tür. Hopland Tap, benannt nach seinem Standort, der Stadt am Anfang der Nordküste, etwa 100 Meilen von San Francisco entfernt, wird voraussichtlich am Samstag seine letzte Nacht verbringen. Die Kneipe in einem historischen Backsteingebäude im Stadtzentrum kündigte einen gebührenden Abschied an: eine Show mit einer Grateful Dead-Coverband, handverlesenes Craft-Bier vom Fass und eine letzte Gelegenheit für die Landwirte, sich zu versammeln und zu feiern…
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Highway 1, Kalifornien: San Simeon geht es sehr, sehr schlecht.
Maura Valencia, Inhaberin des Big Sur Restaurant in San Simeon, hatte gedacht, sie hätte schon alles gesehen. Von der COVID-19-Sperre bis zur langfristigen Schließung des nahe gelegenen Hearst Castle, dem größten Anziehungspunkt der Stadt, hatte sie gehofft, dass die bevorstehende Wiedereröffnung des Schlosses der Stadt neuen Schwung verleihen würde. In gewisser Weise war das auch der Fall, erklärte sie kürzlich, aber dann kamen die Stürme, die mehrere Abschnitte des Highway 1, der San Simeon mit Big Sur und darüber hinaus verbindet, zerstörten…
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Der Highway 1 durch Big Sur wird in diesem Jahr nicht vollständig wiedereröffnet
Anhaltende Risse an einem problematischen Hang entlang des Highway 1 zwingen Caltrans, die vollständige Wiedereröffnung der wichtigen Verbindung zwischen den Gemeinden an der Zentralküste zu verschieben. Im August entdeckten Caltrans-Mitarbeiter jedoch neue Risse in der Oberfläche des Hangs, als sie Baggerarbeiten durchführten. In den darauffolgenden Wochen stellte die Behörde weitere Landbewegungen und Risse im Hang fest. Angesichts der sich verschiebenden Küstenlinie gab Caltrans am Freitag bekannt, dass der Highway 1 bis mindestens 2025 unterbrochen bleiben wird…
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Der Highway 1 wird nicht vor 2024 wieder eröffnet. Er dezimiert diese einst blühende kalifornische Küstenstadt
San Simeon: Der Ort ohne eigene Rechtspersönlichkeit am nordwestlichen Rand des San Luis Obispo County besteht nur aus etwa einer Meile von Motels, Restaurants und einem oder zwei kleinen Läden am Highway 1. Die dazugehörige Küstenlinie ist so unberührt, dass Besucher zweimal blinzeln und sich die Augen reiben müssen, um sicherzugehen, dass sie echt ist – oder zumindest gezwungen sind, ihr Auto anzuhalten und ein Selfie zu machen…
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Kalifornien: Der Highway 1 durch Big Sur wird in diesem Jahr nicht vollständig wiedereröffnet
Anhaltende Risse an einem problematischen Hang entlang des Highway 1 zwingen Caltrans, die vollständige Wiedereröffnung der wichtigen Verbindung zwischen den Gemeinden an der Zentralküste zu verschieben. In den darauffolgenden Wochen stellte die Behörde weitere Landbewegungen und Risse im Hang fest. Angesichts der sich verschiebenden Küstenlinie gab Caltrans am Freitag bekannt, dass der Highway 1 bis mindestens 2025 unterbrochen bleiben wird…
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Caltrans beginnt mit nächtlicher Sperrung von Highway 1 und US 101 an der kalifornischen Küste
Caltrans sperrt Abschnitte der U.S. 101 und der State Route 1 in Pismo Beach, um von 22 Uhr bis 6 Uhr morgens Durchlässe unter den Fahrbahnen zu reparieren. Während der Bauarbeiten bleibt in jeder Richtung eine Spur offen…
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California: Highway 1 slip-out repairs to include overnight work with delays, closures
BIG SUR >> Repair work on the Rocky Creek slip-out that occurred March 30 along a stretch of Highway 1 continues and will now include intermittent delays and full closures during overnight hours five days a week beginning the next two weeks. Kevin Drabinski, Caltrans District 5 spokesperson said that “repair work at the Rocky Creek slip-out is on schedule.” The overnight efforts will entail excavation and drilling in preparation for the installation of columns that will support the roadway where the slip-out occurred…
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Paul’s Slide on Highway 1 near Big Sur opens Sunday
Highway 1 at Paul’s Slide is set to reopen Sunday, according to Caltrans, which credits favorable site conditions and recent construction progress with the earlier than expected completion. It opens access to the community of Lucia, Camaldoli Hermitage, and residents living within the newly reopened 4.3 miles of highway…
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Caltrans shares when Highway 1 through Big Sur may fully reopen
A portion of Highway 1 prone to landslides is slated to reopen next month, freeing some Big Sur residents from relying on convoys to cross over the closure. But the Central Coast highway that connects Carmel to Cambria won’t fully reopen until later…
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Caltrans says work on Highway 1 Big Sur slides progress toward fall opening
With an estimated late autumn full opening of Highway 1 from Carmel to Cambria on the horizon, Caltrans continues to make progress at three repair sites in Monterey County along the Big Sur coast. Even with an 11-mile section of closed roadway in the repair zone where work continues seven days a week, the rest of Highway 1 on the Big Sur coast is open to unrestricted public access…
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Repairs at the Dolan Point Slide are expected to be completed by early summer. Completion of repairs at Dolan Point will not result in an adjustment to the turnaround point at Lime Creek.
Repairs at Paul’s Slide are expected to be completed by late summer. At that point the current turnaround at Limekiln State Park will move north and provide direct access to the Camaldoli Hermitage and the community of Lucia.
The last of the repairs to be completed will be at Regent’s Slide. Due to challenging conditions associated with the extreme slope at the site, repairs at Regent’s Slide are now estimated to be completed in late fall…
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Big Sur highway closures are killing iconic California coastal towns
South of Big Sur, some of the Central Coast’s most iconic towns are hoping for visitors. Big Sur’s past two years of storm-related road closures and the efforts of the community to survive in that time have been well-publicized. But Big Sur’s closure has also had a significant impact on the surrounding areas of the Central Coast, namely the three towns just south of there: San Simeon, Cambria and Harmony…
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California: Highway 1 Rocky Creek slip-out near Big Sur to open, businesses get ready
Highway 1 at the Rocky Creek slip-out is scheduled to open to one-way alternating traffic this week, allowing the flow of public access to Big Sur eight days sooner than previously expected. Beginning at 6:30 a.m. Friday, Caltrans will reopen this portion of roadway using a 24/7 signalized traffic control system to provide temporary unrestricted flow with one-way alternating access for vehicles in both directions…
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Kalifornien: Highway 1 wird für Reisende am Memorial Day geöffnet
Ein Teil des Highway 1, der aufgrund eines sturmbedingten Erdrutsches gesperrt war, wird am Freitag wieder geöffnet, wie Gouverneur Gavin Newsom gestern in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt gab. Die Wiedereröffnung erfolgt acht Tage früher als geplant und früher als von Caltrans ursprünglich für das Memorial-Day-Wochenende vorgesehen. Ein temporäres Verkehrssignal wird installiert, um Fahrzeuge durch die Straße zu leiten, so dass der Verkehr in Richtung Norden und Süden abwechselnd fließen kann…
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California: Big Sur’s Highway 1 to reopen Friday — ahead of schedule — after major rockfall
Since a chunk of Highway 1 fell into the ocean, Big Sur has been essentially isolated. Now a stretch of roadway will be reopened using the northbound lane…
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Highway 1 Rocky Creek slip-out repair work hampered by winds
Caltrans’ work at one of its roadway projects on Highway 1 continues to make progress and evolve after giving visitors a path to Big Sur through the Rocky Creek slip-out repair site that started this week, but excessive winds are a concern and hampering some of the repair work. On Monday, Caltrans opened its twice-daily convoys, previously only available to locals and essential workers, to also include all members of the traveling public. But travelers must be aware that after the last convoy, they will need to have overnight reservations in the Big Sur area. Travelers to Big Sur should also know that three landslides are still under repair further south resulting in the ongoing closure of Highway 1 starting at Dolan Point, so there is no exit to the south…
Highway 1 closure: Public can convoy in and out of Big Sur starting Monday
Starting Monday, Caltrans will open the twice-daily convoys on Highway 1 through the Rocky Creek slip-out to the general public according to a press release from the organization…
Big Sur Highway 1 Rocky Creek slip-out repair work hitting its stride
With its eye on a May 27 reopening of the roadway, Caltrans reports that it continues to advance on repairs to stabilize the edge of the roadway at the Rocky Creek slip-out which occurred nearly a month ago and has reduced access to Big Sur to locals and essential workers only. “We’re definitely increasing our confidence, not only in the repair strategy, but hitting our stride in doing the work,” said Caltrans District 5 Emergency Manager Zeke Dellamas at the Wednesday Monterey County news briefing…
Highway 1: Isolated and alone, how Big Sur is functioning in a time of crisis
It started with a blast of consecutive atmospheric rivers slamming into the community at the edge of the continent in January 2023. The violent storms resulted in a landslide where some 500,000 cubic yards of debris were deposited on a stretch of Highway 1 called Paul’s Slide near the southern end of the 71-mile swath of coastline that defines the region…
Progress made on three Big Sur Highway 1 slides, besides Rocky Creek slip-out
The three landslides on Highway 1 south of the slip-out near Rocky Creek Bridge continue making progress on Caltran’s road to reopening roadway between the Monterey Peninsula and the San Luis Obispo County line later this year. With another rainy weekend in the books for the area, Caltrans District 5 spokesperson Kevin Drabinski said that no significant movement or changes occurred as a result of the past weekend’s rain event at the Rocky Creek slip-out — post mile 60. Repairs there continue, as do the twice-daily convoys, as Caltrans continues its work toward a Memorial Day opening of one-way…
Caltrans expects Highway 1 Rocky Creek signalization by Memorial Day
Caltrans announced on Friday that by Memorial Day, May 27, it will have the initial repair work completed to stabilize the edge of Highway 1 south of Rocky Creek Bridge, where a slip-out occurred two weeks ago. “This would mark the end of the current convoys and allow alternating one-way traffic through the area without an escort using 24/7 signalized traffic control,” said a press release from Caltrans…
Once Highway 1 stabilized at Rocky Creek, traffic can return to Big Sur
Work on the Rocky Creek slip-out of Highway 1 continues to be focused on stabilizing the edge of the roadway because once that is done a temporary signal system will be installed, opening up the roadway to unrestricted traffic under one-way traffic control and providing vital visitor and business flow to the Big Sur area. When the edge stabilization work will be complete should be determined sometime later this week, according to Caltrans. But with rain in the forecast for Saturday, Caltrans will be suspending the twice-daily convoys to and from the Big Sur area restricted to locals and essential workers only…
5 of Calif.’s prettiest state parks close indefinitely due to Highway 1 collapse
After a collapse on California’s Highway 1 Saturday, officials said all state parks in the Big Sur area are closed, with no estimated date for reopening. The closures include Andrew Molera, Julia Pfeiffer Burns, Limekiln and Pfeiffer Big Sur state parks, as well as Point Sur State Historic Park, California State Parks said. Camping reservations have been canceled, and anyone with a reservation will receive a refund. The timeline for reopening the parks depends on when the highway is repaired, State Parks officials said…
Big Sur turns rain-weary eye to possible showers, thunderstorms
Another round of inclement weather on the Central Coast, including the possibility of showers and thunderstorms, has prompted officials to take precautions and locals to prepare especially where a slip-out on Highway 1 occurred last weekend…
Officials urge residents near latest Big Sur landslide to evacuate as more rain approaches
Officials are urging residents near the landslide to evacuate as more rain approaches, warning that emergency vehicles will not be able to access the area…
Big Sur businesses, workers impacted by Highway 1 closure due to weekend slip-out
The slip-out occurred Saturday, causing the highway to be closed and stranding an estimated 1,600 residents and visitors. Since Sunday, Caltrans has been opening Highway 1 twice a day to convoys, but those convoys have been canceled Thursday and Friday because of the rain forecast. They are expected to resume Saturday. Gafill said that nearly 100% of business volume is generated by visitors to the area. Right now all the state parks in the area are closed and authorities are discouraging visiting the Big Sur Coast…
Beliebte Küstenstrasse in den USA teilweise gesperrt
Services An der kalifornischen Küste von Big Sur sind über Ostern Teile des Highway 1 ins Meer gestürzt. Laut den Behörden bleibt der betroffene Strassenabschnitt bis auf Weiteres gesperrt…
‚Nightmare‘: SF woman recounts trying to leave Highway 1 after collapse
Authorities may have to suspend convoys later this week…
Kalifornische Traumroute: Legendärer US-Highway 1 bricht an einer Stelle ins Meer
Während eines Sturms in Nordkalifornien bröckeln Teile des malerischen Highway 1 in den Pazifik. Reisende saßen dadurch nachts fest – und müssen nun von Behörden eskortiert werden…
Big Sur tourism ‚on standstill‘ after its connecting roadway crumbles into the sea — again
Caltrans has shut down the southbound road on Highway 1, letting only essential workers and locals through on the northbound side…
Coastal highway crumbles into the ocean below in California
Part of Highway 1, south of Rocky Creek Bridge in Big Sur collapsed during heavy rain over Easter, stranding drivers…
Kalifornien Regenfälle bringen Highway 1 zum Einsturz – 2000 Autofahrer gestrandet
Aufgrund starker Regenfälle ist am Osterwochenende ein Teil des berühmten Highway 1 im kalifornischen Big Sur eingestürzt. Rund 2000 Autofahrer, die meisten davon Touristen, saßen über Nacht fest. Verletzt wurde aber niemand…
Part of Highway 1 near Big Sur crumbles as new landslide closes more of historic roadway
Highway 1 is closed indefinitely from Palo Colorado Road to Rocky Creek Bridge, the California Department of Transportation said on social media after a new landslide eroded part of the roadway…
Big Sur: Highway 1 closed after slip out near Rocky Creek Bridge
The California Highway Patrol and Caltrans notified the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office of the road closure at Palo Colorado, about 11 miles south of Carmel. due to the slip-out. Highway 1 is now closed from the north at Palo Colorado to just north of the Rocky Creek Bridge…
Caltrans renews promise to fully reopen Highway 1 by late spring
The agency laid out plans to complete repairs on a 12-mile section of the scenic road that remains closed due to rockslides. Since January 2023, Caltrans crews have been working seven days a week at an area known as Paul’s Slide to remove 500,000 cubic yards of debris that spilled over Highway 1, cutting off access to Big Sur. Repairs to the other sections are expected to take longer. At Regent’s Slide, Caltrans estimates it will take 100 working days to remove 300,000 cubic yards of material from the slope above the road. Repair work is proceeding at Paul’s Slide for a “late spring” reopening, the agency said…
Caltrans working on three Highway 1 slides, Paul’s Slide to open late spring
A closure on Highway 1 of about 12 miles continues as Caltrans works to right the roadway from the affects of three landslides along the Central California coastline, but the highway remains open for the vast majority of the rest of the road. Progress at the the three slide locations – Paul’s Slide, Dolan Point Slide and Regent’s Slide – has been delayed by a series of recent storm events, but progress at each site was safeguarded and a return to production in the immediate aftermath of rainy weather was possible. But slide activity is not necessarily tied to rain events and can happen long after…
Multiple landslides in Malibu, surrounding areas close PCH
Caltrans reported multiple slides across the Pacific Coast Highway and does not have a timeline for when they will be cleared…
Caltrans to reduce speed limits on Highway 1 through Big Sur Coast
The decision to reduce speed limits was based on the results of a recent engineering and traffic survey of this corridor which found the lower speed limits to be appropriate to facilitate the safe and orderly movement of traffic, according to Caltrans. This study was initiated as part of the California Department of Transportation program…
Why Caltrans covers up part of this sign on Highway 1
“We had two new slides north of Paul’s Slide,” Drabinski explained. “For the first slide, we were going to rally and mobilize equipment from the south, but the next day the Regent’s Slide cut off access from the south, so we had to come down [with equipment] from the north…
Popular stretch of California’s Pacific Coast Highway closes
A messy mudslide closed a stretch of California’s Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu on Wednesday morning after a winter storm unleashed torrential rain over the already-saturated region, officials said. The road, also known as Highway 1, is shut down to traffic between Corral Canyon Road and Latigo Canyon Road, and it’s not known when this stretch of scenic highway that hugs the coast in Los Angeles County will reopen, Caltrans said…
New storm to bring more rain across L.A. County beginning Sunday night
The heaviest rain is expected to hit during the day Monday and Tuesday night, raising concerns about flooding and possible mudslides on ground still saturated from the previous storm…
Storm watch: Warnings issued for areas of Monterey County
The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office issued the warning for the Carmel River community. The message told residents to be prepared to leave should an evacuation order be issued. They advised to “gather essential items now to be ready to go.” …
Storm Updates: California Braces for Heavy Rains and Flooding
Millions of people in California were under a flood watch as an atmospheric river was expected to engulf much of the state in heavy rains on Sunday, forecasters said…
Big Sur residents stranded after weather cancels convoys over Highway 1 slide
Landslides have closed a 10-mile stretch of Highway 1 on Big Sur since last week, forcing some locals to use scheduled convoys to access food and other provisions. Ahead of the incoming storms this weekend, Caltrans has postponed the convoys, leaving many stranded…
Popular stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway closing nightly due to storm damage
A section of the Pacific Coast Highway in Ventura County is closing nightly for the indefinite future because of road erosion worsened by the recent winter storms. Caltrans said it’s closing a stretch of highway between Sycamore Canyon Road and Las Posas Road from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. or later, every night for an undetermined duration. Closing the road at night, when there’s reduced visibility and the danger of changing conditions or growing damage, is a necessary “safety precaution,” Caltrans said. The highway won’t reopen in the morning until an inspection deems it safe…
Two slides hit Highway 1 in a week as Caltrans works on Paul’s Slide repair
According to Caltrans, this latest slide is larger than the slide that was reported last Thursday north of Big Creek Bridge which extended the road closure’s northern end to Dolan Point. Both slides are within the nearly 10-mile stretch of the Highway 1 closure which now extends from Dolan Point on the north end at post mile 29.7 to near Kirk Creek Campground at post mile 19.9 on the southern end…
Kalifornien: Der gesperrte Highway1 soll im Frühjahr wieder befahrbar sein
A full reopening of Highway 1 at Paul’s Slide is estimated to happen in late spring of 2024, according to Caltrans. That estimate makes allowances for some delays that could be caused by geology and winter storms…
California’s coastal highway spoiled with road issues
Starting from the south, Highway 1 from Limekiln State Park to Lucia in Monterey County remains closed due to rockslides, according to Caltrans. The state park also remains closed until further notice, according to a California parks news release, as Big Sur is unsure when it will recover from storm damages…
Highway 1 closures to continue for ’several months‘
Two sections of Highway 1 along the Big Sur coast will take months to reopen after fierce winter storms forced partial closures. Travelers coming from the Bay Area can drive to Monterey through to Big Vista Point, but not to Los Angeles and Southern California using Highway 1…
That perfect Big Sur road trip? Start rerouting
During Highway 1 reconstruction, L.A. road-trippers will need to take a detour to reach attractions such as McWay Falls, Big Sur River Inn and Bixby Creek Bridge…
Sperrung Highway No. 1
Der „Pacific Coast Highway No. 1“ ist aktuell in beiden Richtungen nicht durchgehend befahrbar. Anfang des Jahres ereigneten sich drei heftige Erdrutsche (Slides) und danach heftige Stürme mit viel Regen. Am Schlimmsten sieht es bei Slide drei (Paul’s Slide etwas südlich von Lucia/CA) aus…
California state parks in Big Sur will require months of repair after storms
Damages at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park and Andrew Molera State Park came after torrential rains caused the Big Sur River to flood at staggering levels. Two other Big Sur parks — Limekiln State Park and Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park — remain entirely inaccessible due to closures because of rockslides and erosion along scenic Highway 1…
12th atmospheric river to hit Monterey County Tuesday
Parts of Highway 1 in Big Sur have been closed since January due to rock slides from the storms. Caltrans crews worked over the weekend to clear a slide blocking Highway 1 south of the Torre Canyon Bridge – postmile 39.5 – from Ragged Point in San Luis Obispo County to Deetjen’s Inn in Monterey County. Due to rain over the weekend, crews were unable to reopen the highway Sunday…
Flooding near Pajaro River forces stretch of Highway 1 to be closed
The flooding near the Pajaro River that forced thousands of people to flee from flood waters prompted authorities in Monterey County to close a stretch of Highway 1 early Sunday…
Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur sees ‚major damage‘ after storms
Some parts of the park will be closed for months. One of California’s most popular roadside attractions, and the state park that houses it, remains closed more than a week after powerful storms hammered the region…