Klimawandel gibt es tatsächlich?
Einige Straßen in und aus dem Death Valley Nationalpark wurden gesperrt, nachdem sie am Wochenende von Schlamm und Geröll überschwemmt wurden. Autofahrer wurden auch aufgefordert, das Mojave National Preserve in Südkalifornien zu meiden, nachdem die Überschwemmungen auf einigen Straßen die Fahrbahndecke aufgeweicht hatten. Wegen des Regens wurden auch andernorts Autobahnen und Campingplätze gesperrt. Das berichtet die Las Vegas Sun in diesem Beitrag.
Update 10FEB23:
Death Valley National Park opens North Highway
On Thursday afternoon, the National Park Service reopened North Highway. This paved road had been closed since August 5, 2022 due to extensive flood damage. North Highway provides access to Mesquite Springs Campground and Ubehebe Crater, both of which are also now open…
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Death Valley National Park: Ab dem 6. Januar wird der Park die Emigrant Canyon Road schließen
Der Death Valley National Park wird in diesem Monat eine wichtige Canyonstraße sperren, um die Schäden des großen Sturms von 2023 zu beheben. Ab dem 6. Januar wird der Park die Emigrant Canyon Road sperren und bis Anfang März nicht befahrbar machen, teilte der National Park Service mit. Die Sperrung bedeutet, dass das Wildrose-Gebiet, einschließlich des Wildrose Campgrounds, der Wildrose Charcoal Kilns, des Wildrose Peak Trails, des Thorndike Campgrounds, des Mahogany Flat Campgrounds und des Telescope Peak Trails, für die Dauer der Sperrung nicht befahrbar ist…
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Kalifornien: Die Emigrant Canyon Road im Death Valley National Park wird für Reparaturen geschlossen
Die Emigrant Canyon Road im Death Valley National Park, die im August 2023 durch den Hurrikans Hilary beschädigt wurde, wird am 6. Januar für Reparaturarbeiten geschlossen und erst im März wieder geöffnet. Während der Schließung der Straße ist die Zufahrt zur Wildrose nicht möglich. „Durch den Klimawandel kommt es immer häufiger zu schweren Überschwemmungen“, so Superintendent Mike Reynolds. „Leider müssen wir die Straße jetzt sperren, damit die Arbeiten durchgeführt werden können.“ Die Überschwemmungen des Hurrikans haben die Emigrant Canyon Road stark beschädigt und an den Stellen, an denen früher der Asphalt war, bis zu zwei Meter tiefe Abbrüche hinterlassen…
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Death Valley: Emigrant Canyon Road wird für Reparaturen gesperrt
Die Emigrant Canyon Road wird ab dem 6. Januar für Straßenreparaturen gesperrt. Die Zufahrt zur Wildrose wird bis Anfang März 2025 gesperrt sein.
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Death Valley National Park’s Scotty’s Castle To Finally Reopen For Walking Tours
Scotty’s Castle, in Death Valley National Park, is reopening for walking tours on select Saturdays and Sundays, starting December 7, 2024, and lasting through March 23, 2025. The Spanish Mission style villa has a fascinating history and has largely been closed to the public following devastating flooding in 2015. Just as recovery efforts began to deal with the flood damage, a fire broke out in the visitor center in 2021…
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Over 1,300 miles of roads now open in Death Valley
After eight months of intense work, National Park Service (NPS) employees in Death Valley National Park are celebrating the end of the emergency phase of flood repairs. Emergency repairs were done on several utilities and 1,323 miles of roads inside the park. Steel Pass and Wildrose Charcoal Kilns opened recently…
Death Valley Crews Reopen Nearly 400 Miles Of Roads Closed Since August
Nearly 400 miles of Death Valley roads that had been closed since flooding last August reopened this week/NPS file Crews in Death Valley National Park continue to repair hundreds of miles of roads that were damaged last fall by heavy rains, with the park having reopened nearly 600 miles that had been closed to traffic…
Death Valley National Park reopens 195 miles of roads
The NPS recently reopened 195 miles of roads in Death Valley National Park. Emigrant Canyon, West Side, Ibex, Saratoga, and Owlshead Roads had been closed since they were damaged by flash floods caused by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary…
Death Valley National Park: Roads Closed due to Flood Damage
Most major points of interest along paved roads are accessible. However, many secondary and backcountry roads are closed due to storm damage. Click ‚more‘ for a detailed map…
‚Once-in-a-lifetime‘ Death Valley experience emerges after California storms
No, really. Park officials declared it so on Friday after „a temporary lake“ at Badwater Basin exploded in size due to the recent deluge of rain in Southern California. The ephemeral lake — fondly known as Lake Manly — is six miles long, three miles wide, one foot deep and sits in the shadow of the snow-capped Panamint Range…
Now’s Your Chance To Kayak In Death Valley National Park
A temporary lake on the floor of the national park that formed last year when remnants of Hurricane Hilary flooded the park has been rejuvenated a bit by recent rains. “You might think with no drain to the sea, that Death Valley would always have a lake,” said Ranger Abby Wines. “But this is an extremely rare event. Normally the amount of water flowing in is much less than the evaporation rate.”…
Atmospheric river deals temporary setback in Death Valley’s road repairs
An atmospheric river caused a temporary setback in Death Valley National Park’s ongoing recovery from Hurricane Hilary. Most of the park’s primary roads have reopened. The rain enhanced the scenic temporary lake at Badwater Basin…
Death Valley National Park: CA Highway 190 Closed
The main road through the park, CA 190, is currently closed due to active flooding and debris on road. Check our alerts page regularly for updates by clicking ‚more‘ Do not drive though active flooding. Turn around – don’t drown…
Beatty Cutoff and Mesquite Spring Campground opening
Death Valley National Park will reopen Beatty Cutoff Road and Mesquite Spring Campground on Friday, January 12. These are the latest steps in the park’s recovery from massive flash floods caused by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary in August…
Additional areas of Death Valley National Park opening 12/23: North Highway, Ubehebe Crater, and The Racetrack
On Saturday, Death Valley National Park will reopen 95 miles of flood-damaged roads. Pockets of wildflowers and cool temperatures make this an ideal time to visit the park.
Additional areas of Death Valley NP’s backcountry reopened
Portions of Eureka Valley and Saline Valley opened on November 30. These are the most recent portions of Death Valley National Park to reopen after every road in the park was damaged by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary in August….
Echo Canyon, Hole in the Wall, Cottonwood, Marble, and Greenwater Valley open for camping with permit
Death Valley National Park continues to repair and reopen flood-damaged roads. Roadside camping is now available along Echo Canyon Road, Hole in the Wall Road, Cottonwood Canyon Road, Marble Canyon Road, and Greenwater Valley Road (aka Furnace Creek Wash Road). The free, mandatory camping permits are available at Furnace Creek Visitor Center, same day only.
Tarantula Causes Traffic Collision In Death Valley National Park
But there are all sorts of obstacles along the route, such as the Swiss travelers who braked suddenly when spying a tarantula crossing CA-190 east of Towne Pass in Death Valley National Park on the afternoon of October 28. A Canadian man on a motorcycle then crashed into the back of the couple’s rented camper van…
Death Valley gleams with water, wildflowers and color
Death Valley is still wet. And only a fortunate few seem to be getting the best of it…
Death Valley National Park and CA-190 may start to reopen October 15
Caltrans and the National Park Service (NPS) announced that parts of State Route 190 (CA-190) and Death Valley National Park are tentatively scheduled to reopen on October 15. The only access into the park will be from the west via Lone Pine, CA…
Death Valley will likely reopen Oct. 15. Here’s what travelers need to know
Death Valley will reopen access to Furnace Creek, the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Zabriskie Point and Dante’s View, and Badwater. But many roads will be closed…
Death Valley National Park and CA-190 may start to reopen October 15
Caltrans and the National Park Service (NPS) announced that parts of State Route 190 (CA-190) and Death Valley National Park are tentatively scheduled to reopen on October 15. The only access into the park will be from the west via Lone Pine, CA.
Reopening Of Death Valley National Park Will Take Time
There is no date for reopening storm-battered Death Valley National Park, and it might take until December to fully repair all the damage to roads done by the remnants of Hurricane Hilary last month…
Death Valley National Park Remains Closed due to Damage from Hilary Storm
Death Valley National Park remains closed, with no estimated reopening date. Crews are working to clear and repair roads…
Photos reveal destruction of Death Valley roads after historic storm
After a year’s worth of rain fell in a single day, photos shared by the National Park Service reveal the level of destruction that Tropical Storm Hilary wreaked on Death Valley…
Death Valley Remains Closed, All Visitors Evacuated
It may take months before all roads and visitor sites open up in Death Valley National Park. Death Valley National Park is still closed due to major flash flood damage. The park had its rainiest day ever on August 20, 2023, receiving more rain than it normally does in an entire year…
Hundreds Stuck Inside Death Valley By Hilary
„We don’t have any exit routes for residents, employees, or visitors, a total estimate of 400 people,“ park spokeswoman Abby Wines said in an email. „Caltrans is working hard to clear an admin exit route on Ca-190 from Furnace Creek to Death Valley Junction. NPS is clearing CA-190 from Furnace Creek to Stovepipe Wells.“…
Around 400 people stuck in Death Valley after flooding from Tropical Storm Hilary
Around 400 people are stranded in Death Valley National Park due to floods from Tropical Storm Hilary…
Death Valley National Park Remains Closed Following Heavy Rains and Flooding
Death Valley National Park remains closed after the remnants of Hurricane Hilary delivered a year’s worth of rain in one day…
Hilary Closes Death Valley National Park, Visitors Urged To „Turn Around, Don’t Drown“
Death Valley National Park closed Sunday as torrential rains from Tropical Storm Hilary pummeled the park, spurring flash floods that were undercutting roads and prompting park officials to urge anyone still in the park to „turn around, don’t drown.“ Mojave National Preserve, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and Joshua Tree National Park all had closed a day earlier because of the historic storm…
Death Valley National Park braces for flooding
Death Valley National Park will partially close in anticipation of heavy rains and flooding from Hurricane Hilary. The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Watch from Saturday, August 19 at 11:00 am and until Tuesday, August 22 at 5:00 am…
More Access Available To Explore Death Valley National Park
Death Valley National Park has reopened the Mud Canyon and Racetrack roads. Both were closed since August 2022 due to flash-flood damage…
Badwater And Wildrose Reopen But Many Roads Still Closed In Death Valley
Death Valley National Park is still recovering from flash floods in August and September. While the National Park Service (NPS) opened parts of Badwater Road and Wildrose late afternoon on September 21, many roads are still closed, leaving no road connecting the eastern and western parts of the park…
Viele Straßen in den Death Valley Nationalpark sind gesperrt
Nach erneuten heftigen Niederschlägen ist die Mehrzahl der Straßen in den US-Nationalpark im Death Valley geschlossen worden. Immerhin können Besucher von Osten kommend aber noch Dantes View, Zabriskie Point…
Death Valley: Fresh flooding on Sept. 13 updates road closures
Another round of storms impacted roads in the Death Valley region on September 13, 2022. The National Park Service (NPS) has some updated estimates for roads to reopen…
Mojave National Preserve Roads Closed Again
Mojave National Preserve has once again closed several damaged paved roads due to flash flooding. The latest heavy rains washed out portions of Black Canyon Road and covered South Kelbaker Road with rocks, sand, and debris…
Death Valley: Park officials work to clear new storm damage on park roads
Additional storms on August 16 and 18 mean that Badwater Road and Dantes View Road may not open on August 20 as previously scheduled…
Death Valley National Park’s Most Popular Sites To Reopen
Death Valley National Park’s most popular sites will reopen to the public on Saturday, August 20 – just two weeks after a historic flood unleashed massive, record-setting rainfall and caused millions of dollars in damage to roads and facilities. Several park roads remain closed so visitors should plan ahead and not rely on GPS…
Death Valley to reopen after flooding; Joshua Tree and Mojave parks still repairing damage
As experts warn of more monsoonal rains later this week, California national parks are still struggling with the flood’s aftermath…
Popular sites in Death Valley publicly reopen on August 20
Death Valley National Park’s most popular sites will reopen to the public on Saturday, Aug. 20 – just two weeks after a historic flood unleashed massive, record-setting rainfall and caused millions of dollars in damage to roads and facilities. Several park roads remain closed so visitors should plan ahead and not rely on GPS…
Persistent Monsoons in Mojave National Preserve
Monsoonal rains reawakened flora and fauna in Mojave National Preserve since the July 30 event that brought 6 inches of rain to some areas of the park. Average rainfall for August is typically 1.2 inches. More monsoonal rains are forecast for the next week according to the National Weather Service…
Temporary Road Closure at Joshua Tree National Park
Due to recent flash flood damage, Pinto Basin Road (from Ocotillo to the south boundary) Geology Tour Road (from the northern gate to Berdoo Canyon) and the Big Horn Pass Road complex are temporarily closed…
Joshua Tree National Park Road Closure Due to Flooding
On Monday, August 8, 2022, Joshua Tree National Park management closed the south boundary road, as well as a five-mile stretch of Pinto Basin Road between Porcupine Wash and Turkey Flats due to severe flooding. Park staff have evacuated all visitors from the southern portion of the park. Road crews will reevaluate the situation tomorrow…
Access to Panamint Valley Open, most of Death Valley Closed
State Route 190 is open to the western portion of Death Valley National Park. The road remains closed from the Trona/Wildrose Junction in Panamint Valley through Death Valley Junction. Additional areas are expected to open no earlier than August 19 as work to clear debris and repair roads continues…
Death Valley Rangers Rescue Stranded Travelers Led Astray By Apps
A number of visitors to Death Valley National Park who ignored warnings to avoid travel in the park had to be rescued after their rigs bogged down in the mud and muck left from last week’s torrential rainstorm. Those who got stuck apparently used navigational apps that routed them onto primitive backcountry dirt roads in a bid to avoid paved road closures, a park release said…
Flash flood closes Palm Springs Aerial Tramway for a week as monsoon slams California deserts
The tramway, which ferries passengers from the floor of the Coachella Valley to near the top of San Jacinto Peak, will be closed for extended cleanup…
Death Valley: Highway bleibt länger gesperrt
USA-Urlauber, die das berühmte Death Valley in Kalifornien besuchen wollen, müssen sich gedulden. Nach dem Unwetter von vergangener Woche kann die durch den Nationalpark führende State Route 190 weiterhin nicht genutzt werden. Wie der National Park Service (NPS) auf seiner Website mitteilt, bleibt der Highway mindestens bis zum 17. August gesperrt, da Wartungsteams die Aufräumarbeiten fortsetzen…
Straße in Death Valley Nationalpark bleibt vorerst dicht
Eine Haupt-Einfahrtsstraße in den von schweren Unwettern und Überschwemmungen heimgesuchten Nationalpark im Death Valley, die State Route 190, bleibt nach Behördenangaben mindestens bis zum 17. August gesperrt…
Flooding Closes Southern Half Of Joshua Tree National Park
Flooding tied to monsoonal rains, which already have closed Death Valley National Park and Mojave National Preserve, on Monday forced closure of the southern portion of Joshua Tree National Park in California…
USA: Straßensperrungen nach Unwetter im Death Valley
Nach dem Unwetter mit historisch starken Regenfällen im touristisch beliebten Death Valley in Kalifornien geht die Nationalparkverwaltung davon aus, dass die Straßen noch mindestens bis Dienstag gesperrt sind…
Death Valley Experiences 1,000 Year Rain Event
Rain this weekend was a historic event, with nearly a year’s worth of rain falling in three hours. The 1.46 inches of rain recorded at Furnace Creek is still preliminary data, and mere drops away from the all-time record of 1.47 inches. The rain caused widespread damage and closure of all park roads…
Unwetter im Death Valley: Sturzbäche in der Wüste
„Tal des Todes“ – so heißt ein beliebtes Touristenziel in Kalifornien wegen der Hitze und der Trockenheit, die dort normalerweise herrschen. Nun haben heftige Unwetter die Wüstenregion geflutet, Hunderte mussten in Sicherheit gebracht werden…
Hunderte Menschen aus US-Nationalpark Death Valley evakuiert
Es ist eigentlich der trockenste Ort der USA: Doch nun haben Wassermassen im Death Valley Autos mitgerissen und Hotels überschwemmt. Etliche Besucher mussten aus dem Nationalpark von Rettungskräfte befreit werden…
Flash floods close Death Valley National Park, stranding 1,000 people
Flash floods sweeping through Death Valley National Park have closed the park, including all roads in and out of the park, as well as the Furnace Creek Visitor Center…
Update: Monsoonal Damage and Road Conditions in Mojave National Preserve
All paved roads into Mojave National Preserve remain closed because of damage caused by flash floods on July 31 and August 1, 2022…
Death Valley National Park Announces Closure Due to Flooding
On August 5, 2022, unprecedented amounts of rainfall caused substantial flooding within Death Valley National Park. All roads into and out of the park are currently closed and will remain closed until park staff can assess the extensiveness of the situation…
California: Flooding Leads To Closure Of Death Valley National Park
Heavy rainstorms Friday that dumped nearly a year’s worth of precipitation on Death Valley National Park sent floodwaters across the park, damaging dozens of cars, closing roads with rubble, and trapping roughly 1,000 visitors and staff inside the park…
Flooding Strikes Death Valley, Closes Roads
Monsoonal rains Sunday led to flooding in Death Valley National Park, washing away cars in some instances and closing roads into and within the park. On the west side of the park, floodwaters swept away this vehicle as it traveled Highway 190 a few miles west of Stovepipe Wells. At Mojave National Preserve in California, the storms ripped up sections of roads across the park…