Schneemassen und Erdrutsche beeinträchtigen Besucher
Wir hatten hier bereits über die Schliessung des Yosemite National Park berichtet. Gemäss Wettervorhersagen stehen weitere Beeinträchtigungen aufgrund von Schnee, Regen und Erdrutschen in Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks bevor. Das berichtet SFGATE hier.
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Fire Restrictions In Place At Sequoia And Kings Canyon National Parks
Summer hasn’t even arrived, yet fire restrictions have been put into place at Kings Canyon and Sequoia national parks in California. The two parks entered stage 1 fire restrictions at 6 a.m. Friday morning. Stage 1 fire restrictions prohibit wood and charcoal fires, including wood burning stoves, at elevations of 3,000 feet and below. Campground and picnic areas that are affected include Potwisha Campground, and the Hospital Rock and Foothills picnic areas…
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Road Construction Starts Monday In Sequoia National Park
Starting Monday, April 29, visitors to Sequoia National Park in California can expect weekday, daytime closures, and delays for an estimated 4-week period between Hospital Rock and the Giant Forest area. The contractor will be mobilizing and preparing the site early in the week and visitors can expect periodic traffic delays. Scheduled closures are expected to begin Wednesday, May 1. This is the last remaining section of severely damaged roadway along the Generals Highway from the early 2023 winter storms, out of over 20…