“I went down to the Crossroads”
Wow, wir sind mittendrin im Blues-Country, in Clarksdale, dem Ground Zero des Delta-Blues, der “Capitol of Blues”. Hier an der Crossroads soll Robert Johnson seine Seele dem Teufel verkauft haben, um ein besserer Blues-Gitarrist zu werden. Wir sind mit dem Wohnmobil unterwegs auf dem Mississippi Blues Trail. In Clarskdale haben wir u.a. auch das Riverside Hotel, den Ground Zero Blues Club von Morgan Freeman und das Delta Blues Museum besucht.
Eric Clapton, die Rolling Stones und viele andere verehren ihn: Den King des Delta Blues, Robert Johnson…
Cross Road Blues
I went down to the crossroad
fell down on my knees
I went down to the crossroad
fell down on my knees
Asked the lord above “Have mercy now
save poor Bob if you please”
Yeeooo, standin at the crossroad
tried to flag a ride
ooo ooo eee
I tried to flag a ride
Didn’t nobody seem to know me babe
everybody pass me by
Standin at the crossroad babe
risin sun goin down
Standin at the crossroad babe
eee eee eee, risin sun goin down
I believe to my soul now,
Poor Bob is sinkin down
You can run, you can run
tell my friend Willie Brown
You can run, you can run
tell my friend Willie Brown
(th)’at I got the croosroad blues this mornin Lord
babe, I’m sinkin down
And I went to the crossraod momma
I looked east and west
I went to the crossraod baby
I looked east and west
Lord, I didn’t have no sweet woman
ooh-well babe, in my distress
Hinweis: Die Reise fand im Jahr 2012 statt.
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Visiting the Crossroads in Clarksdale Mississippi – Robert Johnson
Die Crossroad in Clarksdale, Mississippi
Wir folgen dem Ol‘ Man River flussaufwärts auf dem Highway 61 von Natchez bis Memphis, wo jeder Flecken Erde Musik ist. Fast hätten wir es übersehen, das legendäre „Cross-road-Schild 61/49“ in Clarksdale. Dort, wo der Blues-Pionier Robert Johnson seine Seele an den Teufel „verkauft“ haben soll, der ihm dafür den “Blues” gab…
A music road trip in Mississippi
Forget Los Angeles, never mind New York. You can trace the roots of America’s music straight to Mississippi. From the Delta to the Gulf Coast, the Magnolia State has fostered pioneers of the blues, rock n’ roll, and hip-hop as their sounds were forged into styles recognized around the world today…
Eat: The Mississippi Cuisine
Clarksdale has enough restaurant options to keep you full for days, but Abe’s BAR-B-Q deserves a spot at the top of the list. The renowned barbecue joint is located at the legendary crossroads where Robert Johnson is said to have sold his soul to the devil in exchange for mastery of the blues guitar…
In diesem “Guitar Battle” – Video wird in simpler Hollywood-Manier der Kampf von Robert Johnson mit dem Teufel dargestellt. An der Crossroads ging es damals vermutlich anders zu.