Schlechtes Land
Der Badlands-Nationalpark liegt im Südwesten South Dakotas. Er besteht aus einem als Badlands bezeichneten Typ von Verwitterungslandschaft, die für Landwirtschaft denkbar ungeeignet schien, daher der Name Badlands – schlechtes Land. Neben dieser Verwitterungslandschaft gehört auch die größte geschützte Gras-Prärie zum Nationalpark… [wiki]
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Go: Die schönsten Nationalparks in den USA – Badlands-Nationalpark, South Dakota
Der Badlands-Nationalpark in South Dakota fasziniert mit beeindruckenden Felsformationen und weiten Prärien, die über Millionen von Jahren durch Ablagerungen und Erosionen entstanden sind. Eingebettet in eines der größten gemischten Grasland-Ökosysteme der USA, erzählt der Park zudem eine bewegte Geschichte – geprägt von den gebrochenen Versprechen gegenüber den Lakota-Stämmen…
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Go: Weniger bekannte Staaten in den USA – South Dakota
Der Staat beherbergt den Lake Oahe, viele kleine Seen und Nebenflüsse des Missouri River. South Dakota hat zwei fantastische Nationalparks. Der Badlands-Nationalpark bietet ausgedehnte Graslandschaften inmitten von bizarren Felsen, Felsvorsprüngen und Canyons. Bisons, Dickhornschafe und Präriehunde bevölkern den Park. Der Wind Cave National Park beherbergt einige der ältesten Höhlen der Welt mit einzigartigen, wabenförmigen Tropfsteingebilden…
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Go: South Dakota, USA – Badlands National Park
Der Badlands-Nationalpark liegt im Südwesten von South Dakota und besteht aus ausgedehnten Graslandschaften inmitten von Canyons, Felsnadeln und Felsvorsprüngen, die wie aus einer anderen Welt wirken. Es ist ein Land der Extreme, in dem die Sommertemperaturen über 100 Grad Celsius liegen können, während die Winter bitterkalt werden. Das Gelände ist zerklüftet und es gibt keine brauchbaren Wasserquellen. Dementsprechend nannten die Lakota das Gebiet „mako sica“, was so viel wie „schlechtes Land“ bedeutet…
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South Dakota: Wildfire Closes Sage Creek Campground Of Badlands National Park
Lightning from a thunderstorm on August 21 ignited a wildfire in the Sage Creek area of Badlands National Park. The Sage Creek area is accessed via a dirt and gravel road approximately one-half mile (0.8 km) south of the Pinnacles Entrance. The landscape all around there is mixed-grass prairie prone to ignition due to the dry summer…
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Plague Confirmed in Badlands – Conata Ecosystem
How many of you have watched the antics of cute little prairie dogs at Badlands National Park in South Dakota? Not only are they cute, but they are funny, interesting, and right now, not doing too well. The National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service have confirmed plague as the cause of a prairie dog die off in Badlands National Park, Buffalo Gap National Grassland, and the greater Conata-Badlands ecosystem, all in South Dakota based on a test result received 5/31…
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Fossil Hunting With The Rangers At Badlands National Park
Badlands National Park in South Dakota is a treasure trove of fossils. Walk in any direction and you may find a fossil bone shard or tooth or seed or even a dung beetle ball (yes, seriously). If you are really lucky, you might even discover a fossil skull. As you wander around the park’s landscape, it may be difficult to envision the crumbly sandstone, siltstone, and limestone covered by a warm, shallow sea some 75 million years ago…
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Three Days In And Around Badlands National Park
You would be excused if you only chose to spend a couple of hours touring Badlands National Park in South Dakota from your car, since there aren’t many trails, and most of what you can see is from the road and overlooks. However, to really get a feel for this national park and surrounding area, you should spend more than just a day. The landscape, geology, wildlife, and history make for plenty of things to see and do for a full three days…
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Lodging In The Parks: Cedar Pass Cabins At Badlands National Park
Open from April 19 – October 20, 2024, and operated by concessionaire Aramark, Cedar Pass Lodge offers 23 renovated (in 2013) cabins. Each eco-friendly cabin has custom lodgepole pine furniture, a mini refrigerator, microwave, air conditioning and heat, coffee maker, a ceiling fan, and satellite TV along with the usual amenities (soap, shampoo, lotion, hair dryer, cups). Located at 20681 South Dakota Highway 240, the cabins and main building are about two miles east of the small community of Interior, South Dakota, and situated between the Cedar Pass Campground and the Ben Reifel Visitor Center, all within walking distance of each other…
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The Battle For The Skies Over National Parks Drags On
Schlaefli, who operates four air tour companies that offer aerial views of Badlands National Park and nearby Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota, pressed his case recently during a Congressional hearing into the air tour plans being crafted by the National Park Service and Federal Aviation Administration that he fears will put him out of business…