Arches, Yellowstone, Yosemite & Zion leiden besonders unter Tourismus
USA: Ein Nationalpark ist ein ausgedehntes Schutzgebiet, das meistens nur der natürlichen Entwicklung unterliegt und durch spezielle Maßnahmen vor nicht gewollten menschlichen Eingriffen und vor Umweltverschmutzung geschützt wird. In der Regel sind dies Gebiete, die ökologisch besonders wertvoll oder von herausragendem landschaftlichem Reiz sind und im Auftrag einer Regierung verwaltet werden. [Wiki] Soweit die Theorie. Die am meisten besuchten Nationalparks der USA erwägen ein Reservierungs-System für Tagesbesucher oder haben es bereits eingeführt.
Die Campgrounds sind sowieso oft Monate im Voraus ausgebucht. Besonders schlimm sieht es im Arches, Yellowstone, Yosemite & Zion aus. Der Conde Naste Traveler gibt deshalb bereits Empfehlungen für alternative Nationalparks aus.
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US-Nationalparks erhalten grosse Spende zur Bekämpfung von Overtourism
Die 430 Nationalparks der USA leiden unter zu vielen Besuchern. Jetzt traf eine Spende in der Höhe von 100 Millionen Dollar ein, um den Naturschutz zu gewährleisten und die Overtourism-Probleme zu lösen…
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Yosemite-Nationalpark: Seien Sie früh da, um Verzögerungen am Eingang an Wochenenden und Feiertagen zu vermeiden.
Rechnen Sie an Wochenenden und Feiertagen von morgens bis nachmittags mit Verzögerungen an den Eingangsstationen. An stark frequentierten Tagen variieren die Verzögerungen je nach Eingangsstation, können aber bis zu zwei Stunden betragen…
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Yosemite National Park: Arrive early to avoid delays at entrance stations on weekends and holidays
Expect delays at entrance stations from mid-mornings to early afternoons on weekends and holidays. On busy days, delays vary by entrance station but can be up to two hours…
Yosemite Nationalpark: Die Zahl der Wanderer, die US-Nationalparks besuchen, steigt
Das gilt auch für die Herausforderung, sie zu schützen. Der Tod einer jungen Frau, die vom berühmten – und immer beliebter werdenden – Half Dome im Yosemite abstürzte, löst eine Debatte aus…
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Rocky Mountain National Park Sticking With Timed-Entry Reservations Plan
The use of timed-entry reservations to enter Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado during the busiest months of the year has been made permanent by park officials. Under the plan, two reservation systems will be used from late-May through mid-October. One will focus specifically on the popular Bear Lake Road Corridor, and the other will apply to the rest of the park. This is similar to what the park has piloted the last three summers and is the current operational plan for this summer. The reservation systems have been successful at spreading visitor use out throughout the day and throughout the park, according to park officials…
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Grizzly Mauls Visitor At Grand Teton National Park
A 35-year-old Massachusetts man exploring Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming was seriously mauled by a grizzly bear but is expected to fully recover. A park release said the unidentified man was in the area of Signal Mountain Summit Road on Sunday when he apparently surprised two grizzlies, one of which attacked him and inflicted unspecified injuries…
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Grand Teton National Park: Visitor Injured in Incident with Bear
On the afternoon of Sunday, May 19, Teton Interagency Dispatch received a report of a 35-year-old male visitor from Massachusetts who was seriously injured by a bear in the area of the Signal Mountain Summit Road. Grand Teton National Park rangers and Teton County Search and Rescue personnel responded to the scene to provide emergency medical care and air lifted the patient via helicopter to an awaiting ambulance where he was transported to St. John’s Hospital. The patient is in stable condition and is expected to fully recover…
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Park service touts success of Angels Landing permit program in Zion National Park
Zion National Park is marking two years of success in reducing crowding and congestion on the half-mile of trail that leads from Scout Lookout to Angels Landing. “Angels Landing is one of Zion National Park’s most popular destinations,” said Jeff Bradybaugh, Zion National Park superintendent, in a news release. “The Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program helps us maximize the number of people who make the hike and minimize crowding and congestion on the route…
Should International National Park Visitors Be Charged More?
In a report released just before the holidays, Watkins said the Park Service could see an additional $330 million simply by placing a $25 surcharge on the roughly 14 million international visitors who visit U.S. parks…
The 10 Most-Searched National Parks of 2023, According to Google Maps
Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Zion take the top three spots—while other beloved destinations are notably absent…
Yosemite National Park Will Experiment With Vehicle Reservations
In a move to better manage congestion, Yosemite National Park in California will experiment with a vehicle reservation system at key times in the coming year…
Zion National Park announces 2024 Angels Landing Pilot Permit Program Seasonal Lottery dates
Hikers who want to visit Angels Landing in 2024 can apply to four Seasonal Lotteries…
Arches announces a pilot vehicle reservation system using timed entry in 2024
Arches National Park will implement another pilot vehicle reservation system using timed entry in 2024, beginning April 1. Program parameters will be nearly the same as the 2023 pilot…
Reservations Will Be Needed For Arches, Glacier, And Rocky Mountain National Parks Next Summer
You’ll need a reservation to drive into Arches, Glacier, or Rocky Mountain national parks next summer, according to plans released within minutes of each other Thursday afternoon…
Yosemite visitors wait in line for hours to enter park
Car lines out of Yosemite National Park have been at a standstill this summer as visitors, employees and locals report long waits to enter the park…
Yosemite visitors are waiting 4 hours to enter a packed park
“It was stop and go, stop and go, stop and go,” Stone says of the wait at the Big Oak Flat entrance along Highway 120. “And finally, the cars coming back down the hill were waving at us, telling us that we had to turn around, that they were turning around people at the gate…
Rocky Mountain Nationalpark führt Reservierungspflicht ein
Zwischen dem 26. Mai und dem 22. Oktober wird für den Rocky Mountain Nationalpark eine Reservierung benötigt. Der Rocky Mountain Nationalpark ist der Einzige der vier Nationalparks in Colorado, der ein solches System nutzt…
Reservations Needed To Visit Arches National Park
With the high season for travel about to hit, visitors to Arches National Park in Utah will need a reservation between April 1 and October 31 to enter the park between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily. Visitors have been able to purchase reservations on a first-come first-served basis on since January 10, 2023. Reservations are released three months in advance in monthly blocks according to the following schedule…
Reservierungen für US-Parks bereiten Veranstaltern Probleme
Das neue Reservierungssystem für beliebte US-Nationalparks soll dabei helfen, Besucherströme besser zu lenken. Damit bereitet es aber nationalen und internationalen Veranstaltern Probleme, die für die Planbarkeit ihrer Reisegruppen Plätze im Voraus buchen wollen…
Natursensationen in Utah
Im Land der höllenfeuerroten Felsen: Gleich fünf Nationalparks reihen sich im Süden von Utah aneinander. Zwei der schönsten sind Zion und Bryce Canyon – Wunder der Geologie, wie man auf Erden kein zweites Mal findet…
USA: Reservierungs-Pflicht für Nationalparks
Wegen der stark gestiegenen Nachfrage verlangen die beliebtesten Nationalparks in den USA in der Saison 2022 eine Reservierung, wenn man den gesamten Park oder auch nur einen Teil davon besuchen will…
In den Yosemite National Park nur mit Reservierung
Ohne Übernachtungsbuchung kommt man im Sommer 2022 mit dem Mietfahrzug nur mit Reservierung in den Yosemite National Park.
USA: Einlass in Nationalparks nur mit Reservierung
Da sich durch Corona auch das Reiseverhalten vieler US-Bürger verändert hat und diese vermehrt Urlaub im eigenen Land machen, sind zahlreiche Nationalparks nahezu überlaufen. Aus diesem Grund hat sich das Nationalparkservice nun dazu entschlossen, eine Restriktionen für besonders frequentierte Nationalparks zu erlassen…
Texas: Guadalupe Mountains National Park Sees Record Visitation
Guadalupe Mountains National Park in West Texas saw record visitation in 2021, with a tally of 243,000 visitors that represented an increase of 18,000 from the previous high set in 2017…
Yosemite National Park Going To Reservation System During Peak Hours To Reduce Congestion
In a bid to reduce congestion made worse by construction projects this summer, Yosemite National Park will require reservations beginning May 20 for those hoping to enter the park between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. “A visit to Yosemite should be about enjoying the beautiful granite-lined landscape, not sitting in gridlock,” said Yosemite Superintendent Cicely Muldoon. “Yosemite visitors deserve a high-quality experience in this magnificent place. Our goal with the peak hours system is to ease overcrowding during the busiest times this summer while still offering access for all”…
US-Nationalpark Arches in Utah führt Reservierungssystem ein
Ab 2022 wird die Behörde ein Reservierungssystem für den Besuch des beliebten Arches National Park in Utah einführen. Das Pilotprojekt läuft vom 3. April bis zum 3. Oktober…
You’ll need a reservation to visit Arches next year
Reservations are only required for visits between April 3 and October 3, 2022 between the hours of 6am and 5pm. Those visiting outside those hours or with reservations for camping, backcountry, Fiery Furnace or other special use permits do not need to make reservations…
USA: Zutritt zum Arches National Park ab 2022 mit vorheriger Online-Buchung
In an effort to reduce congestion and provide visitors with certainty that they’ll be able to enter the park, Arches National Park will use a reservation system in 2022 to see if it solves those problems…
Grand Teton National Park Crowds
For Grand Teton National Park, this year has, to put it bluntly, been crazy busy. In September the park counted 570,584 visitors, the second-highest tally for that month in park history. Notably, it pushed the park’s year-to-date visitation to 3,493,937, a record for an entire year.
Study: Camping’s popularity spikes on Utah public lands
A new survey shows a major increase in camping on national public lands in the past decade, with a notable spike during the pandemic. The estimated occupancy for reserved campsites in Utah in the summer months has seen a 77% increase from 2014 to 2020…
Utah: Arches National Park weist Besucher wegen Massenandrang zurück.
Zion National Park will Reservationspflicht für Wanderungen zum Angel’s Landing einführen
Angedacht ist, das Reservierungs-System 2022 einzuführen meldet die Las Vegas Sun.