Sylvan Pass und Beartooth Highway gesperrt
Der Yellowstone-Nationalpark ist ein Nationalpark in den Vereinigten Staaten. Er wurde am 1. März 1872 gegründet und ist damit der älteste Nationalpark der Welt. Er liegt zum überwiegenden Teil im Bundesstaat Wyoming und ist das Herz des größeren Yellowstone-Ökosystems. Namensgeber ist der größte Fluss im Park, der Yellowstone River. Der Park ist vor allem für seine geothermalen Quellen wie Geysire und Schlammtöpfe sowie für seine Wildtiere wie Bisons, Grizzlybären und Wölfe bekannt. 1978 erklärte ihn die UNESCO zum Weltnaturerbe. [Wiki]
Der Sylvan Pass am Osteingang des Parks wurde gesperrt. Und auch der wundervolle Beartooth Highway ist nicht durchgehend befahrbar.
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USA: Die Wintersaison im Yellowstone-Nationalpark beginnt am Sonntag, den 15. Dezember
Jedes Jahr von Mitte Dezember bis Mitte März können Besucher die meisten Straßen des Parks vom West-, Süd-, Ost- und Nordeingang aus mit zugelassenen kommerziell geführten Schneemobilen und Schneekutschen sowie über das nicht kommerziell geführte Schneemobil-Zugangsprogramm befahren…
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Yellowstone National Park: Beartooth Highway (US-212) from Red Lodge to Cooke City, Montana, opens June 1
The Beartooth Highway (US-212) from Red Lodge to Cooke City, Montana, is now open…
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Yellowstone National Park: Weather-permitting, Beartooth Highway (US-212) from Red Lodge to Cooke City, Montana, projected to open June 1
Weather-permitting, the Beartooth Highway (US-212), located east of the park’s Northeast Entrance between Red Lodge, Montana, and Cooke City, Montana, is projected to open in its entirety Saturday, June 1. Currently, the highway is partially open for 19 miles from Red Lodge, Montana, to Vista Point…
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Yellowstone National Park: Delayed opening for Beartooth Highway (US-212) due to heavy snowfall and hazardous winter conditions
The opening of the Beartooth Highway (US-212), located east of the park’s Northeast Entrance between Red Lodge, Montana, and Cooke City, Montana, is delayed. The highway was scheduled to open on Friday, May 24, but will remain closed through the weekend due to winter weather conditions, significant snowfall and hazardous driving conditions…
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Temporary road closures in Yellowstone National Park due to heavy snowfall and hazardous winter conditions
Due to current and anticipated winter weather conditions and significant snowfall, some roads in Yellowstone National Park are, or will be, temporarily closed due to hazardous driving conditions…
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South Entrance To Yellowstone National Park Expected To Open Friday
Barring a snowstorm, the South Entrance to Yellowstone National Park will open Friday at 8 a.m. local time. According to the National Park Service, the following roads in Yellowstone will open 8 a.m. Friday to public motor vehicle traffic as long as the weather allows…
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Weather-permitting, South Entrance in Yellowstone National Park to open Friday, May 10
Weather-permitting, the following roads in Yellowstone National Park will open 8 a.m. Friday, May 10 to public motor vehicle traffic: South Entrance to West Thumb; West Thumb to Old Faithful (Craig Pass); West Thumb to Lake Village; Tower-Roosevelt to Tower Fall…
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Weather-permitting, Yellowstone National Park’s East Entrance opens Friday, May 3
Weather-permitting, the road from the East Entrance (near Cody, Wyoming) to Lake Village (via Sylvan Pass and Fishing Bridge Junction), and Canyon Village to Lake Village, will open Friday, May 3 at 8 a.m. to public motor vehicle traffi…